Dealing with the Dreaded Cockblocker

Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
You're at the club. Everything's going your way. You find the hottest chick, start dancing with her and putting in work. She's spreading her legs, dropping it down low and rubbing that pussy on your leg. She's grabbing you, pulling you in. You start playing with them titties and go in for the make out. Shit's getting hot, and you're escalating this to go to your car or the bathroom.

Next thing you know, bam! Cockblocking friend checks in. This character is brutal--she's getting no love from other dudes (or is married) and is in a "I hate men" mode. Her objective is to stop you from your next forgotten night.

Ladies and gents, how do you go about handling this creature, assuming you're rolling solo? Other than trying to get her to a secluded spot (not easy at all clubs), I am at a loss. Negotiation is off the table, as she thinks you're a creep for going down on her friend. All suggestions welcome!
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-10-2018, 01:21 AM
Why push a situation where a friend is there to essentially protect them from predators and drunken mistakes?

Find someone from the get go that is available and willing before you put in the "work"..

As someone who has been the "cockblocker"... I don't give two fucks about your cock. Or your lack of conscience for my friend's well being.
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
Why push a situation where a friend is there to essentially protect them from predators and drunken mistakes?

Find someone from the get go that is available and willing before you put in the "work".. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Ideally the best scenario. But, you don't always know. I thought I had. In my case, the girl was alone on the dance floor and I asked her to dance. Had a few drinks together too. Friend didn't appear until way later

Please don't get me wrong. In no am I advocating being a creep who goes for a chick drunk off her ass. But if you're dancing for a long time and she's into it as much as you, hey.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Befriend the Cock Blocker. Truth is she pissed about not having any Cock of her own
A few drinks some appetizers dance with both together.
Why go to Baskin Robbins for a single dip when you can get 2
Don’t go on a 1 Pussy diet try to pull them both.
You might have the best time of your life. And in the end you get 2 numbers if not getting to double dip
bored@home's Avatar
For what it's worth, if she was really into it then she would wave off the friend with their code.
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
For what it's worth, if she was really into it then she would wave off the friend with their code. Originally Posted by bored@home
She waved her off a few times and I closed with a number, but that does not do much good since I wanted a ONS. I get that it's a friend's role to watch out for her friend. With that said, if she's having a good time, stay in your lane. Lol
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
Befriend the Cock Blocker. Truth is she pissed about not having any Cock of her own
A few drinks some appetizers dance with both together.
Why go to Baskin Robbins for a single dip when you can get 2
Don’t go on a 1 Pussy diet try to pull them both.
You might have the best time of your life. And in the end you get 2 numbers if not getting to double dip Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
Now this is what I should have done in hindsight. Good post
COCKBLOCKING is often motivated by jealousy or competitiveness.
girlfriends just use the "i'm just watching your back" excuse to intervene.
This is common practice in chat, but they secretly PM the girl to intervene. lol

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-10-2018, 10:35 AM
Of course THAT'S the reason. -_-

Boltfan's Avatar
COCKBLOCKING is often motivated by jealousy or competitiveness.
girlfriends just use the "i'm just watching your back" excuse to intervene.
This is common practice in chat, but they secretly PM the girl to intervene. lol

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Says the old white guy. Chat predator.
Says the old white guy. Chat predator. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Says the broken down, washed-up, can't organize a poker tournament white guy. BOARD predator.

@hangryhip i like that link, too funny

Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
this is how you handle it. Originally Posted by hangryhip
Hahahahaha that clip is hilarious! Chappelle is a legend
kingone's Avatar
Why push a situation where a friend is there to essentially protect them from predators and drunken mistakes Originally Posted by ~Ze~

"Predators, drunken mistakes"? If your friend can't be trusted to drink in moderation or make the best judgements while intoxicated, maybe she shouldn't be out drinking?
Boltfan's Avatar
Says the broken down, washed-up, can't organize a poker tournament white guy. BOARD predator.

@hangryhip i like that link, too funny

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Got any new material? #metoo any one else lately?