Exit Strategy - part 1

disclaimer - this is not part of bojulay's #1 rule series ...

I'm curious, how many of you have really thought about your exit from the hobby?

For guys, if they kept discretion in place, it's fairly simple....see ya later, burn the hobby phone and close their eccie account and be thankful they got out clean.

For providers it may not be so simple, depending on how they conducted their business. The internet has become a bit of an uncontrollable monster. Just because you simply delete something it doesn't mean it's gone. Pictures get saved, pages can be screen copied, ads can be archived....just recently someone posted an online archive of the old Studio1 page, with pics of those girls years later. That should be an eye opener.

For those with pics, mostly face shots, the odds of being discovered increase dramatically and compounded by the future.

Boyfriends, fiances, husbands, mom & pop, children, employers and LE....all past, present and future ... could stumble upon something you didn't want them to. Internet search mechanisms are becoming so accurate and comprehensive it is scary.

Let's not forget about vendettas or just plain ol' bad people who may do something to intentionally harm someone.

Or, if it's unintentional, something is copied or sold to another site and that site may get 1 million hits per day. The odds go way, way up.

The #1 rule (sorry bojulay) being, safety and discretion should always come first, the idea that there is nothing to lose is false. The exit strategy from the hobby should be in place from day one. And with that, I hope everyone stays safe and smart, and thinks about this outside the box.
pyramider's Avatar
Thincking outside the box is what taint is all about. Most have not thought of exiting the hobby. Too many ladies view the hobby as a cash cow to be milked rather than a means to an end. The end being financially secure to open a business, buy a home, go back to school, etc.

Too many fucktards let the little heads do the majority of their thincking. So no exit strategy is in place, no getting caught contingency plan has been thought of, etc.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
one of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what people think of you!
When i leave the hobby which is no time soon i will simply just delete my profile and ride off into the sunset.
people always should be aware of consequences when showing the face in the pictures, i show my face and i knew what the cautions were.
If i had a boyfriend or husband that would judge me by my past then i dont need to be with him.
A real man will respect me because at least i dont go around fucking guys for nothing and get nothing but a possible baby and another statistic in the system or even worse an std. At least us wonderful ladies on here work for what we want in life and not expecting handouts.
but back to the topic, i understanfd your viewpoint but the main thing is that there is a consequence for every action and more times than often we dobnt think about the ripple effect until after. I show my face because i dont care who thinks what of me, nobody but me pays my bills and puts food in my stomach!
daty/o's Avatar
From a marriage maybe, but why on Earth would a guy need an exit strategy for the Hobby? Death works.
What daty/o said. When the pull of strange poontang is dust in the rearview mirror, it's over anyway! If you're an idiot you may have to take a hiatus while you get your shit sorted, but leave? For guys? That's....lunacy.
OldGrump's Avatar
I can see my exit from the hobby but not necessarily from the entertainment here.

When I combine age and health issues that affect my sex drive and performance with the coming retirement of my best friend and wife, I can see outside visits coming to an end while I fill my spare time with other interests.

I doubt if I would ask for my account to be disabled. I'd probably just go away. There are few things in life that are permanent. I can think of one that I hope to avoid for a long long time.

So to answer the OP, Yes, I have thought about it. More than I wish I had to.
Of course! Like most people, retirement from working is a big accomplishment. I cannot wait to finally enjoy the fruits of my labor. :-) Until then…save, save, save!!!
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Of course! Like most people, retirement from working is a big accomplishment. I cannot wait to finally enjoy the fruits of my labor. :-) Until then…save, save, save!!! Originally Posted by samantha thom
Ill drink to that! (tings champagne glass!)
Ill drink to that! (tings champagne glass!) Originally Posted by London Bridge
I can't wait to enjoy the fruits of your labor too!