No Services Review

This evening after screening and going back and forth with dannystar, he parked in my private parking, we were smiley and giggly when he came in, and I showed him where to hang his clothes in the bathroom, and where the towel, washcloth, and amenities were, since he just came from work. He took a shower and brought all his belongings in with him in a big pile into my dining area.

I told him it was okay to leave his belongings in the bathroom. He refused and insisted on bringing his things into the bedroom where he could see everything. I told him that I do not mind him looking in closets and things if he was nervous, and he could leave the bathroom door open, and that his things were perfectly safe in the bathroom. He refused. I told him that I have never had an issue in all these years with someone leaving their things together in the bathroom, and that I prefer to not have their things in the bedroom, because of hearing stories of people being recorded and what not.

So because he was refusing to leave his things in the bathroom, I told him that he was welcome to leave. He said he could take all of his things out to his car. So he put on his pants and shoes and as he was leaving, he said he was really looking forward to our session, and then left. No donation was given. No services happened, except he got a free shower.

I feel like it is my private incall, my body, and my rules when a client comes to see me. I've never had an issue like this. I've never had a no review. I value my safety and my clients' safety when they are here.

So he posted a no review.

I do not feel it's fair for him to say in the title of his review that I am "suspect", to bring into question me asking him to leave his things in the bathroom, to tarnish my track record of yes reviews that I have worked hard for all these years, and I do not feel like he should receive premium access for something that did not happen, which could have been resolved very easily and a great time could have been had.

All I can hope is that my clients who have seen me all these years as well as future clients, will see through this, and look at the overall picture of all my reviews, and have faith in my ability to continue to provide an atmosphere where we are both comfortable and can have a good time together.
GingerKatt's Avatar
If no BCD activities occurred, the review should be taken off of your profile Annie. He can’t write a review of you when nothing happened. And I know of many ladies who have been recorded without their knowledge. I’m not saying that’s what was happening here, but you’re right; your home, your rules.

I’m sorry this happened to you honey. But I really think if you bring it to the attention of a mod, they’ll disqualify the “review”.
I agree with Ginger. It appears you said no, he said no,so it didn't happen. There is no review for that.
And for the record, when I met Annie, she asked me the same thing to leave everything in the bathroom. It was very pleasant and I didn't think anything negative about it. And I'm glad I did as Annie is terrific
I agree with Ginger. It appears you said no, he said no,so it didn't happen. There is no review for that.
And for the record, when I met Annie, she asked me the same thing to leave everything in the bathroom. It was very pleasant and I didn't think anything negative about it. And I'm glad I did as Annie is terrific
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-16-2018, 04:53 AM
I can easily see how this escalated. I don't really know why he couldn't just leave his stuff wherever you asked him to. It's not like you aren't well reviewed, been around for a long time with lots of reviews, have P411. It seems irrational for him to just not leave his stuff in a place that makes you feel more comfortable.
From your perspective, once he starts getting "weird" about it, it probably put up your spidey senses and there was little chance either of you would have been comfortable if the session had taken place.
I offered to put my belongings in the car and come back, she wasn't okay with that either which definitely set off some red flags. Anyway I believe my experience begins with setting up the meeting up until it's over and I left a fair review that encompasses that.
I personally wouldn't leave my stuff in a separate room either depending on the incall. (personal residence vs hotel). Probably didn't need to write a review but from what I read he wasn't bashing LOA, just wasn't comfortable with the situation so he passed.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-16-2018, 06:54 AM
It just wasn't meant to be, the OP should have let the guy put his personal belongings where he wanted to and if you're paranoid about a bag, cover it with a towel.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
I have had a provider ask me to turn my phone off during the session and she watched me as I did it. Do you think that this would have resolved the issue Annie?
Chung Tran's Avatar
so unnecessary...

I saw the "review", I agree with other guys who commented "keys and roses, why bring anything else inside"? Annie had a right to be concerned..

what I find weird is Danny has premium access, his last (real) review was in July, been here 6 years, so past reviews (9) would not have accumulated enough to keep PA, without this "review" having been approved! unless the unlikely occurred, he pays for PA.
txexetoo's Avatar
I offered to put my belongings in the car and come back, she wasn't okay with that either which definitely set off some red flags. Anyway I believe my experience begins with setting up the meeting up until it's over and I left a fair review that encompasses that. Originally Posted by dannystar

Since there were no activities there was no encounter and doesn’t belong in the encounter forum. The mods will move it.

Having said that I would have left too. The first provider I ever saw chided me for leaving my clothes in the bedroom while I showered. She told me never trust a provider and keep my belongings with me at all times. I have followed that faithfully ever since .
Cheyenne Ryder's Avatar
There should have never been a "review" if nothing happened.
Loa, i agree with you on the whole recording & rules thing. 100%.
Whole situation could have been avoided. And a "review" shouldn't have been made if nothing happened. Period. Message the mods and let them know what happened. Hopefully they'll remove it.
Sometimes people just don't mesh. Annie has been around forever and has a great rep. I think there should never have been a review since nothing happened. No money lost, just two people who didn't get along and didn't see eye to eye. BTW, trying to arrange things to see Annie this weekend!
let the man put his damn clothes where the man wants to put his damn clothes.. geez
  • grean
  • 11-16-2018, 11:14 AM

First let me say you are gorgeous and are obviously a great lady. One no review wouldn't have even been a blimish. You're in good company. Plenty of awesome providers have more than one bad review. Some are deserved some are not.

I prefer to not have their things in the bedroom, because of hearing stories of people being recorded and what not. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie

It's a surprise to some, but while you are professional and more importantly a good person, there are some providers who are not.

There are just as many stories of guys getting their money stolen by girls when they leave their stuff unattended.

I'm one of them. I got 100 bucks lifted when I left my cloths in the room to go into the bathroom afterwards to clean up. It was an amazing session so I was going to leave her about half anyway. Instead though, we had to endure a very awkward moment when I went into my pocket for the tip and only my keys were there.

If a provider made any issue of it today, red flags would have gone up and I'd be out the door.

I understand your concerns but I think you can also sympathize will a guys concern too. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
No donation was given. No services happened, except he got a free shower.

This is probably why a no review will remain attached to your profile. He was in your incall. He reasonably believed he would receive services and you, prior to the disagreement, intended to perform those services.

Had he been in the parking lot and you ghosted or he never showed up, then that would have been a no call or no show.

That's frustrating. You've both made plans with time you both could have instead done other things during that time. You will have to book another client.

He will have to book someone else, and go shower again at another girls place. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
I feel like it is my private incall, my body, and my rules when a client comes to see me. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie

That is absolutely true. Anyone who disputes that is foolosh.