
It seems that you do not understand what is required to become verified. Here is first the why of verification:
#25 - The Provider Verification process on ECCIE is intended to be a minimally-invasive method to reasonably ensure that a provider who has been enabled to advertise on ECCIE is a legit provider, and not a cash 'n' dash, bait 'n' switch, or other security risk to the community. It is NOT intended to be a guarantee of your safety and it is NOT intended to be a guarantee of good service. All of our members, male or female, are responsible to take steps to protect their own safety when participating in the p4p environment. In any case where a member feels their own safety has been compromised by another member here, please promptly report to staff so swift action can be considered, and taken if necessary.

Second would be the "what" is required:
To enable your account for advertising in these forums, you must first be verified by ECCIE Worldwide staff. This process typically takes under 24 hours to complete, however could be delayed if you are not able to provide sufficient information to establish yourself as a legit provider or agency. To become verified, submit links to your reviews on ECCIE or another recognized review site, and/or obtain a vouch from an established ECCIE member, either male or female.

We place a lot of emphasis on the vouch from a respected and established member of our community. It can be a male or female member that provides the vouch. Have your person that is vouching for you PM the information to any one of the Austin Moderators. We prefer that all of the verification process take place VIA PM.


I hope that this answers your questions.