Did Richard Marx Tell Rand Paul ''I will be right here waiting for you''?

Chung Tran's Avatar

I didn't know Richard (Karl's Great-great-great Grandson?) Marx was a voracious Deocratic Twitter poster.


I think the white powder sender didn't have enough time to act on Marx's words. Had to already be in the works.
Now that I know you are talking about the singer, Richard Marx. I'm even less interested.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2021, 09:58 PM
"After Paul declared last weekend he would most likely eschew a coronavirus vaccine, claiming that his bout last year with COVID-19 immunized him with natural antibodies and thus made the shot unnecessary, Marx tweeted, “I’ll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.” [Referring to Rand Paul's neighbor who beat the shit out of him.]

My general practitioner brought this up today when we were talking about COVID. He thinks Rand Paul is nuts. While Rand is one of my favorite politicians, on this subject I agree with the physician.
Rand Paul got Fauci to fess up about the gain of function research.
rexdutchman's Avatar
"fringe lunatics".
HedonistForever's Avatar
"After Paul declared last weekend he would most likely eschew a coronavirus vaccine, claiming that his bout last year with COVID-19 immunized him with natural antibodies and thus made the shot unnecessary, Marx tweeted, “I’ll say it again: If I ever meet Rand Paul’s neighbor I’m going to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume.” [Referring to Rand Paul's neighbor who beat the shit out of him.]

My general practitioner brought this up today when we were talking about COVID. He thinks Rand Paul is nuts. While Rand is one of my favorite politicians, on this subject I agree with the physician. Originally Posted by Tiny

Nuts? He says he checked with his own doctor who is vaccinated and Paul's level of antibodies/ resistance, was equal to or better than his doctors. I think they measure T cells though I wouldn't bet money on it. Paul also said he thinks it would be selfish for him to take a vaccine that isn't necessary RIGHT NOW, when so many people all over the world are begging to get this vaccine that apparently America now has a surplus of. Paul said he is open to taking the vaccine in the future if his doctor tells him too.

Sounds pretty damn sane to me.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Rand Paul got Fauci to fess up about the gain of function research. Originally Posted by gnadfly

He tried but Fauci lied.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You build up a tolerance to the virus after naturally fighting it off.
HedonistForever's Avatar

I didn't know Richard (Karl's Great-great-great Grandson?) Marx was a voracious Deocratic Twitter poster.


I think the white powder sender didn't have enough time to act on Marx's words. Had to already be in the works. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I see what you did there. Good catch! I think it probably went over the head of anybody not into pop music in 1989. It is one of my all time favorite songs but I listen to the Bryan Adams version which apparently came out in the same year.

Here is Bryan Adams version


I think Paul called him "some obscure song writer" seeking relevance 30 years after his fame.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Paul called Marx a ''C-level Celebrity''. Which in 2021 is quite generous, unless you think marriage to Daisy Fuentes is worth a touch of celebrity cred.
good for him! Daisy Fuentes is a smokeshow
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Paul called Marx a ''C-level Celebrity''. Which in 2021 is quite generous, unless you think marriage to Daisy Fuentes is worth a touch of celebrity cred. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I wonder if paul thinks he's better than a "c-level celebrity"?

Just to clear up some misinformation here. "Immunity" based on a high antibody titer is presumed for most diseases whether the antibodies were elicited via natural infection or vaccination. I have some epidemiology experience and personally think those with demonstrated high covid antibody titers following natural infection do not need the vaccine, but also doesn't hurt to err on the safe side, so I'd stick with current guidelines.

T cells are not routinely measured (counted actually) in evaluating covid immunity, it's the amount of antibodies they produce that is measured. As an aside, TCell quantity are measured in HIV treatment, since those cells are what that virus attacks, which is why it is so insidious by debilitating antibody production against a broad spectrum of diseases.
  • Tiny
  • 05-27-2021, 04:03 PM
Just to clear up some misinformation here. "Immunity" based on a high antibody titer is presumed for most diseases whether the antibodies were elicited via natural infection or vaccination. I have some epidemiology experience and personally think those with demonstrated high covid antibody titers following natural infection do not need the vaccine, but also doesn't hurt to err on the safe side, so I'd stick with current guidelines.

T cells are not routinely measured (counted actually) in evaluating covid immunity, it's the amount of antibodies they produce that is measured. As an aside, TCell quantity are measured in HIV treatment, since those cells are what that virus attacks, which is why it is so insidious by debilitating antibody production against a broad spectrum of diseases. Originally Posted by reddog1951
This is second hand and anecdotal, but good friends of family members came down with COVID twice. Both live in the UK. One thinks she came down with the UK variant the second time around and the other knows he did, as a result of testing. The man who was in his 40’s and in excellent physical condition had it really rough the second time. He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks.

The Pfizer vaccine at least appears to be effective against the variants. I wonder if it’s potentially a lot more effective than a previous infection, if you’re looking at a variant or different variant with the second infection. Any thoughts?

And second question, who besides Rand Paul is going to get tested for antibody levels after an infection? Do you go back and get tested again every year or so? Wouldn’t it be simpler just to get the vaccine, and get boosters if they’re recommended?
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is second hand and anecdotal, but good friends of family members came down with COVID twice. Both live in the UK. One thinks she came down with the UK variant the second time around and the other knows he did, as a result of testing. The man who was in his 40’s and in excellent physical condition had it really rough the second time. He was in the hospital for a couple of weeks.

The Pfizer vaccine at least appears to be effective against the variants. I wonder if it’s potentially a lot more effective than a previous infection, if you’re looking at a variant or different variant with the second infection. Any thoughts?

And second question, who besides Rand Paul is going to get tested for antibody levels after an infection? Do you go back and get tested again every year or so? Wouldn’t it be simpler just to get the vaccine, and get boosters if they’re recommended? Originally Posted by Tiny

I would bet many people did. It was and is a big controversy as to whether you have sufficient antibodies after infection.

Dr. Seagal said last night that it was "memory immunity cells" not T cells like I said and suggested that the latest science says that after a couple weeks of recovering, a one time Pfizer shot would give one a "super immunity" and may not need a booster shot that many of the rest of us are expecting to need.