Coyotes and police

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Gotta smile about things leo considers important:

An Ohio police department outside Cleveland where fans of the “Road Runner” cartoon are apparently employed has a request for residents after a string of recent coyote sightings.

The North Royalton Police Department says residents shouldn’t call 911 about coyotes unless they see any of the following:

— Coyotes carrying any product marked “ACME”.
— Coyotes dropping anvils from hot air balloons.
— Coyote posting signs such as “Detour” or “Free Bird Seed”.
— Coyote in possession of a giant magnet.
— Coyote in possession of a catapult.
— Coyote detonating “TNT”.
— Coyote on roller skates with rockets attached.

In the cartoon, Wile E. Coyote is the Road Runner’s hapless nemesis.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources says coyotes are typically nocturnal, but do make appearances during the day.

The article:
winn dixie's Avatar
Poor coyote. He's a freakin genius but apparently does not know how to order carry-out.
rCoder's Avatar
Hey, our coyotes are serious:
Beep beep
BangOver's Avatar
Wile E. is my patron saint.

BTW - the "E" stands for Ethelbert.
