Handle changes, anonymity and the like.

Many people keep asking me who I am or who I was. I am Jane Doe. I am a provider that left for safety and precautionary reasons. I left for a while. Now I am back (for now).

For none other than safety reasons, I can not be the person I was. Believe me, if I could I would, because I would not be starting from the bottom again.

If anyone has a question about my TCB, Performance, Looks etc etc. Please just ask me. If you are just being nosey or have ill intent, I probably won't tell you. If you genuinely need to know, I'm more than happy to disclose information to those of you setting a date with me.

If I am or have broken any rules here, mods or administration, please let me know. I will happily go on my merry way or comply with whatever is asked of me.


Jane Doe