Flake bimbo hothotheather

Confirmed appointment twice then canceled after I've started driving. NO real excuse given, just some bs. When I tried 2 call, bimbo just block number, never even talked in person. Don't waste u r time with this flaky, take u r time n money elsewhere. https://eccie.net/member.php?u=417414
400 dollars no way
I've never had any problems booking with her. She's worth every penny!
Treetop78759's Avatar
Maybe you just creeped her out.
I've never had any problems booking with her. She's worth every penny! Originally Posted by lizshue81
Liz, we don't know each other, and up until now you've had a good reputation and have been a good contributor on this site AFAIK.

But now I'm calling you out the same way I would and have called out guys for posting this infuriatingly oblivious bullshit response to a guy's aggrievement. Do you somehow think that because you've had no problem and are willing to cheer for another provider that it suddenly makes HIM at fault?

We don't know the details, haven't heard her side, but you're saying with this response, with no knowledge of the facts, "Your complaint is worthless."

You are spitting on the OP's post, and that's bullshit. To put it more eloquently, the word "invalidate" applies here.

You're also putting yourself on the same blindly antagonistic side as the bizarre and loathsome Treetop, who does indeed know creepy. That's not a good side to be on.
Liz, we don't know each other, and up until now you've had a good reputation and have been a good contributor on this site AFAIK.

But now I'm calling you out the same way I would and have called out guys for posting this infuriatingly oblivious bullshit response to a guy's aggrievement. Do you somehow think that because you've had no problem and are willing to cheer for another provider that it suddenly makes HIM at fault?

We don't know the details, haven't heard her side, but you're saying with this response, with no knowledge of the facts, "Your complaint is worthless."

You are spitting on the OP's post, and that's bullshit. To put it more eloquently, the word "invalidate" applies here.

You're also putting yourself on the same blindly antagonistic side as the loathsome Treetop, who does indeed know creepy. That's not a good side to be on. Originally Posted by TravelingTex
I'm not in a side and my intention was not to "invalidate" the OP's post. If you've ever tried to set up a double then you know it is sometimes inpossible and sometimes lack of TCB skills on the providers' parts can really make it frustrating. However, I have done many doubles with Heather and have NEVER experienced anything I would consider flakey or unprofessional. She has never been late, never cancelled, never NCNSd. I assume that is pretty consistent with the way she handles a non-doubles appointment.

My intention was to provide an alternative experience and perspective to the OP's. I also never said anything at all about the OP or claimed he was "at fault".

Next time I'll spit on his dick instead of his post.
nuglet's Avatar
I'm not in a side and my intention was not to "invalidate" the OP's post.

My intention was to provide an alternative experience and perspective to the OP's. I also never said anything at all about the OP or claimed he was "at fault".

Next time I'll spit on his dick instead of his post. Originally Posted by lizshue81
From knowing Liz socially, NOT BCD, I can tell ya, don't fuck with her.. she's a no nonsense gal.. now, fucking her, is a different story I'll bet.. lol
I've never seen her offer anything but honesty, brutal perhaps, but honest.
I'm sure you're right, but you stray from the thread topic. Fuck(ing) with Liz is not that topic nor what happened here. I addressed Liz' post on this topic, she responded appropriately--also on the original topic--, and that's the end of it as far as I'm concerned.
Samcro84's Avatar
I've never had any problems booking with her. She's worth every penny! Originally Posted by lizshue81
Wow TT went a little nuts. Did someone piss in his post toasties.? My opinion is Liz didn't do anything wrong. Glad we heard another opinion on lady.

Now OP if you texted her with same style as post. She might or probably changed her mind. You called her? Wow!!! I don't call my regulars ever. Think we need hear her side of story.

From knowing Liz socially, NOT BCD, I can tell ya, don't fuck with her.. she's a no nonsense gal.. now, fucking her, is a different story I'll bet.. lol
I've never seen her offer anything but honesty, brutal perhaps, but honest. Originally Posted by nuglet

Don't wk her, that's my job!
I don't know what happened.

But I do know that I've met both HHH and Liz and they are both really, really hot! I mean really hot!

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

getting two Providers be to on time is a miracle it itself. It hard enough to get one to be on time let alone two..

Three things

1. she got a better offer and used the ole I will ignore him
2. her mom flew in from Mali unannounced at ABIA
3. she had to take a really big shit