Tarentum hofo

  • DOC22
  • 11-09-2020, 02:17 PM
I did text her yesterday early afternoon. She got back to me @ 1:40am. Seems like she is
up very late. I did not reply until about a half hour ago. Keep ya posted!!!
BTW, have you ever ran across a girl named Jessie Dreams?? Saw her many times from Eros.
She may be on SA, I don't subscribe tho. Thank you, good luck.
  • Typo
  • 11-09-2020, 03:54 PM
The un-vacuumed carpet deodorizer all over the floor along with the newports and other things on the bedstand tell me all I need to know about her to pass. But hey, at least she likes beef jerky.
Do yinz not know how to search? Fo shame

She is that train wreck that was in butler.