AOC attackes Pelosi

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

AOC wants Pelosi replaced.
The Dims continue to eat the Dims.

AOC also says that the Speakers job is "extraordinarily complex" and that she AOC, couldn't handle it.

AOC starts a tiff within the Dims and also argues with herself?
I've lost count of how many times AOC has opened her mouth way to wide.
winn dixie's Avatar

AOC wants Pelosi replaced.
The Dims continue to eat the Dims.

AOC also says that the Speakers job is "extraordinarily complex" and that she AOC, couldn't handle it.

AOC starts a tiff within the Dims and also argues with herself?
I've lost count of how many times AOC has opened her mouth way to wide. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Well. She looks like a mule so good analogy!
matchingmole's Avatar

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Ripmany's Avatar
Because she handle a big fat dick. What does he need a medium sized dick like I got.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

Hundred Years' War: Battle of Patay

The final battle of Joan of Arc's decisive Loire Campaign, Patay cost the English around 2,500 casualties while the French sustained approximately 100. Having defeated the English at Patay and concluded a highly successful campaign, the French began to turn the tide of the Hundred Years' War. The defeat inflicted significant losses upon the English longbow corps as well as was one of the first times a massed French cavalry charge had overcome the skilled archers.

Jeanne d’Arc, dux, chef de guerre

Élie de Bourdeilles29 fait preuve de quelque originalité en argumentant non pas sur la cruauté ou la présomption, mais en relevant et récusant l’accusation de sédition30. Ici sont mis en avant pour justifier l’aventure de la Pucelle les arguments de la guerre juste et de la révolte nécessaire contre la tyrannie, thèmes souvent et douloureusement discutés au long des guerres civiles entre Armagnacs et Bourgui-gnons31. C’est à ce propos que passe sous la plume de l’évêque de Périgueux la dé-fense d’une Jeanne que l’on aurait à tort accusée d’avoir causé des troubles, attenté à la paix et organisé le tumulte en menant le plus souvent l’armée au combat (ducendo saepius exercitus ad bellum). Troubles, tumultes et guerre étaient pourtant justifiés par le devoir de se dresser contre un régime tyrannique. Dans ces conditions la faute de sédition tombe d’elle-même, le rôle dirigeant de la Pucelle dans l’action ne mérite plus qu’on s’y arrête, ce qui fut sans doute un soulagement pour le théologien.

Élie de Bourdeilles29 shows some originality by arguing not on cruelty or presumption, but by raising and challenging the accusation of sedition30. Here, to justify the adventure of the Maid, the arguments of the just war and the necessary revolt against tyranny are put forward, themes often and painfully discussed throughout the civil wars between Armagnacs and Bourgui-gnons31. It is in this connection that passes under the pen of the Bishop of Périgueux the defense of a Joan who would have been wrongly accused of having caused disturbances, violating the peace and organized the tumult by leading most often the army in combat (ducendo saepius exercitus ad bellum). Troubles, turmoil and war were however justified by the duty to stand up against a tyrannical regime. Under these conditions the fault of sedition falls by itself, the leading role of the Maid in the action no longer deserves to be dwelled on, which was undoubtedly a relief for the theologian.

  • oeb11
  • 12-19-2020, 08:59 AM
9500- as usual - irrelevant memes and post.

AOC is dumber than a bag of hammers.

if not for Soros' money - she would be a barkeep in da' Bronx.
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 12-19-2020, 09:10 AM
And - still fixated on Trump hate

Get some professional Help - Life is better without Hatred directed by the XiNN led DNC propaganda of the LSM!
Pelosi keeps all the Dim HORs members in line. The Republicans came close to taking back the House due to her. It would have come close to happening but because of ballot havesting, "found lost ballots" and a few shenanigans it didn't.

She claimed in 2018 was her last term as speaker. She lied. Again. Hopefully she dies in office as a salute to RBG.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

She claimed in 2018 was her last term as speaker. She lied. Again. Hopefully she dies in office as a salute to RBG. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
No one likes Nancy Pelosi except extremist lockdown lovers.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Guevara has a bitch beard. It looks like mine. Fucking patchy and light as shit. Mf should go clean shaved.
winn dixie's Avatar
Guevara has a bitch beard. It looks like mine. Fucking patchy and light as shit. Mf should go clean shaved. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Hes dead! Butt fucked too many times!