Just got stood up by James Bond

Yep, another wasted day. I shower, shave (all over), put on my make-up and do my hair, pick out lingerie and heels, spend about an hour getting perfect for him. He says he's actually HERE, I give him the gate code and my apt. #.. and then I never heard from him again. Why? Why in the world would anyone do that? Mean spirited? Maybe he was a cop and realized I'm not doing anything illeagal? Who knows... anyone have this problem and any explanation as to why someone would go this far and then just disappear, no call, no show..?
ibechill's Avatar
Only person that can answer that is him. You should post more pics.
I wouldn't have stood you up though
Guest101610-2's Avatar
He was skeered.
maybe 007 ran into some russian spies?

in all seriousness, anything could have happened, people get cold feet, stick with it, you'll meet some worthwhile people.
ibechill's Avatar
maybe 007 ran into some russian spies?

in all seriousness, anything could have happened, people get cold feet, stick with it, you'll meet some worthwhile people. Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke
Just so weird, we talk, he's on his way, I give him directions, he says "I'm here" and then texts a wink. He didn't seem scurred.. he was at the freaking gate.. in my complex. Just don't get it..
Thank you for the encouraging words all.
cookie man's Avatar
It was a shitty thing to do an without an explanation. I for one am glad you posted it. The very least he could have done was call and explain. Both providers and hobbyists deserve to be treated better than this.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Hey, Carmen...yes, it was a pain in your ass to get stiffed thataway, but try to be of good cheer by remembering the dreadful fate in store for every last one of James Bond's honeys. No kidding, if ol' James starts getting serious over a chick you know damn well it's curtains for her. It happens every single time.
He may never have even been there. Just because he said he was means nothing. Had any issues with anyone lately? Could be someone trying to screw with you as payback for some preceived slight.
stevesanderson's Avatar
Carmen, as a hobbyist I oftentimes have a plan B ready. That's usually a girl I have been seeing for a while that doesn't mind me popping in with 30 minutes notice.

What do you think of a plan B for providers? If I was just sitting around the house and a girl that I have been seeing and was comfortable with me said "hey, I'm all dressed up with noone to do, come on over and I'll give you a good deal", I would probably say yes.
firelips's Avatar
Maybe his beeper/office called and he was disgusted with the turn of events? That's no reason for him to not tell you what is going on though. Probably not the real story of what happened but if he doesn't offer a creditable explanation it won't be good for him in many eyes. I once posted a nc/ns review a few hours after our scheduled time and did regret not waiting a little longer to get her reasons. Still entirely frustrating I totally agree
sky_wire's Avatar
Yep, another wasted day. .... Why? Why in the world would anyone do that? Mean spirited? .? Originally Posted by CarmenAlexandra

Went through the same thing with [a provider here]. Scheduled several days in advance. On the given day, she said that she had to run an errand and she'd brb.....silence..... Went through a similar scenario a few more times before I realized that she just enjoyed jacking me around.

It really bothered me because I have never been treated like that before. She really conned me into believing that she would see me again, but "this" day was not possible. Just try again another day. Geez, I really went for it hook, line, and sinker.

What really pissed me off was not seeing the con. It was just as in that movie "The Color of Money," when Paul Newman says to the other guy: "Are you a hustler?" I played Paul Newman perfectly. If you saw the movie, you know what I'm talking about.

shooter6.5's Avatar
this guy was screwing with you from the get go. Probabaly read the drama the other day and decided to mess with you. go back ob your screening and contact any references and see what they say.

Sorry it happened, but it does quite often.
Guest062512's Avatar
Lotsa stuff coulda happened, LE driving by, some dude in a fancy hat in a car, got another look at that hot pic of you and shot off before got out of the car, but hey, why not call or pm or something? Prob'ly some jackass messin' with ya like shooter said. I say out him in the powder room.

How could anybody turn away from a face like that?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
From a hardleg's perspective the only really shitty part of getting stiffed is that $16.00 vitamin already down there in the stomach and starting to work its wonders...WASTED. All dressed up with nowhere to go! If it weren't for that, I figure I'm altogether better off for getting stood up. The girls I enjoy don't pull that crap.