It goes without saying..

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That the coldest winter in twenty years is caused by Global Warming...
Guess what you are right.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2014, 02:16 PM
Dumbass JL adds, "It goes without saying..." and then says it.

Then proceeds to prove he does not understand GW.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-14-2014, 02:22 PM
That the coldest winter in twenty years is caused by Global Warming... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

not if you're at the winter Olympics in Russia
Or summertime in down under.
Everyone knows manbearpig caused all weather patterns for millions of years... fuckers
lustylad's Avatar
not if you're at the winter Olympics in Russia Originally Posted by CJ7
Don't you know? Putin is fucking with the weather over there... He schedules all the Rooskis early in the day and makes everyone else compete later when the snow is wet.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The USA is frozen over, England is flooded, and Russia is balmy....sounds like the 1880s all over again. That can't be right. Cars were not bumper to bumper on some interstate yet.
It was horse farting that did it then.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According the CBS, it is so cold because of excessive heat.

Now we arrive at the moment predicted in the 1960s when wrong is right, up is down, and light is dark. So now it's cold because it's too hot.

Note this interview:

Dr. Therrell uses a lot of qualifiers when he talks about climate change. "Maybe", "possibly", "perhaps", He is not certain about anything and he is very nervous. He keeps licking his lips. He is trying to come up with an answer that will satisfy the agenda without actually putting himself out there lying.
Climatologists are the economists of weathermen.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Dumbass JL adds, "It goes without saying..." and then says it.

Then proceeds to prove he does not understand GW. Originally Posted by WTF
And you do, you fat faggot welcher?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If it goes without saying, why say it?
BigLouie's Avatar
That the coldest winter in twenty years is caused by Global Warming... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I know you were trying to be sarcastic but the truth is you are correct and there are plenty of web pages explaining why this is so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, nothing unusual about this at all.

and dinosaurs lived with men, 6,000 years ago!