Kaitlyn Dior TCB

I've seen Kaitlyn before and it's always a pain to get a hold of her. Recently I saw that she was in town and I called her up for an appointment. She said to head on over there soon so I told her I would be there in about half an hour. I get over there and text/call. No response. Wait 15-20 minutes and decide to just go home. When I'm about 5 minutes away from her place she calls me and tells me she fell asleep. I tell her I wouldn't mind if we rescheduled for the next day if she was tired but she said that we could just meet ASAP. I ask her for what room number because I thought there's a chance that she still won't pick up her phone but she said to call her when I park again. I did just that and got no response. So I wasted another 15-20 minutes. I wasted a good 30-40 minutes in total for her and I'm not even sure she's worth it anymore. I haven't received any response even when I just asked for a different appointment. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Anyone else have a similar experience? Originally Posted by userdan
Define "similar"
lol Sorry not funny.

Bet the smile was similar!
universalenergy's Avatar
Are you sure that she gave you her actual physical address?
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 11-27-2014, 01:46 PM
I have experienced bad TCB experiences with the younger girls. She usually replies to these threads in a day or two to explain herself.
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 11-27-2014, 02:31 PM
"Fool me once, shame on you, fool be twice, shame on me"
slickrick281's Avatar
TCB still not as bad as someone else I know
Are you sure that she gave you her actual physical address? Originally Posted by universalenergy
The physical address was texted to me. It's also the same place that I saw her last time.
gearslut's Avatar
[QUOTE=userdan;1056077880]I've seen Kaitlyn before and it's always a pain to get a hold of her. Anyone else have a similar experience?[/QUOTE

Less than a minute spent in the search function would get you the answer. She seems to be well known for this as are several other girls whose reputations for ditching sessions or using unique methods of scheduling precede them. Yet guys keep trying to see them and then seem puzzled when the girls perform just as expected. Seems like the next topic for discussion in the Co-Ed section should just be how amazed we are that the sun came up again today.
I've seen Kaitlyn before and it's always a pain to get a hold of her. Anyone else have a similar experience?[/QUOTE

Less than a minute spent in the search function would get you the answer. She seems to be well known for this as are several other girls whose reputations for ditching sessions or using unique methods of scheduling precede them. Yet guys keep trying to see them and then seem puzzled when the girls perform just as expected. Seems like the next topic for discussion in the Co-Ed section should just be how amazed we are that the sun came up again today. Originally Posted by userdan
I guess you caught me. I'm lazy/not competent to filter through the search results. I wasn't aware of her reputation for ditching sessions but perhaps she has so many good reviews that they could possible bump down the ncns threads if there are any. I suppose it is my fault for assuming that if an appointment is made that the provider would follow through with it since she expressed interest. However this is the first time I've been stood up but I'll take it as a learning experience.
Guest082318's Avatar
blah blah blah. Yah we all know the story.
LexusLover's Avatar
However this is the first time I've been stood up but I'll take it as a learning experience. Originally Posted by gearslut
Personally, based on that statement, I can understand your disappointment.
  • YSD
  • 11-28-2014, 12:51 PM
I post this every chance I get. Her TCB skills are atrocious!! She NCNS'd me twice. The reasoning was so lame. She looks hot but way too much effort to book.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
TCB still not as bad as someone else I know Originally Posted by slickrick281
You ever heard the term.... "Move on"...... It's good advice
Dorian Gray's Avatar

While I agree, no warnings or directives have been issued for him to due so. That & the comment is loosely on topic