Question regarding finishing sessions early

So this isn't something that I necessarily deal with often, but a few times as of late has made me want to ask other opinions. Basically: what do you think should be done when a client finishes early, doesn't think he can go for round 2, has to leave for work, etc? Say he finishes right around the half hour mark, is perfectly satisfied, and gathers his things to leave.

Clients: do you feel the right thing to do would be to pay for the full hour regardless since that's what you booked, or that she should give you a half hour rate instead? Do the circumstances upon which you finish the session early make a difference? What is fair to you? Have you ever felt taken advantage of?

Providers: would you insist that he pays for the full hour since that is what he booked for your time, or would you give him back half or a portion of the donation? Do circumstances make a difference in fairness? Do you put equal value on compensation for your time vs the client "getting his money's worth"?

Last week I had someone get an urgent call right around the 30 min mark and had to haul out of there, and I had a couple of folks just worn out after the first 30 min and headed to go a bit early. Personally, if the person has been serviced for around half an hour and then there is no other activity but chatting and hanging out for the rest of the time, sometimes I will offer a little off at the end but not a half hour rate since they stayed with me a full hour. If they literally stay for a half hour due to having to leave or just finishing early enough I will usually offer a half hour rate.

This really depends on the individual situation, because while I do believe in fairness and "getting your money's worth", I do value my time and generosity. I value my time, but I also value putting in work for my income and making sure someone is 100% satisfied with my enthusiasm til the end of the session. I don't think I have encountered someone who has intentionally ever tried to just get a cheaper rate just because, and pretty much most of the clients I have offered some portion of the rate off to have refused and tipped me on top of that anyway. I have had only a couple of people accept the offer. I just like to extend the offer when I feel it may be appropriate, just like it would be considered in many other businesses.

I can also understand providers not doing this because of the commitment to their time and scheduling, which makes a lot of sense. I can understand how some providers feel time-wise; they have scheduled that time, made arrangements for it, and are expecting an hour rate. I can also understand more leniency with this in an emergency situation coming up with work/family and someone HAVING to leave vs someone just finishing early. I think I am still debating on how I feel exactly about certain situations... because I know that while I have been lucky with generous gentlemen, there are jerks out there who have little to no regard for providers time or business. This situation can also be flipped regarding standards on tipping when staying over; I believe the same rules apply, you just don't see this side of the matter being discussed as openly.

As I said before, these are more rare occurrences anyway and probably don't happen every month, I am just very interested in what the majority does and thinks about these situations! Thanks
OralPassion's Avatar
A Provider should only give a refund if the Provider cuts the time short.
Clients are buying time, not services, so a Client's satisfaction is irrelevant.

Unless... If a Provider is guilty of false advertising - outdated photos, incorrect stats, etc. and a Client leaves because the Provider isn't what he expected - that's on the Provider and a refund is probably in order.
Same if a provider makes promises ahead of time that aren't honored during a session.

Clients should do enough research to be confident all will be as expected.

I've missed the opportunity to see some gals because I talk too much prior to booking.
But I'd rather miss seeing a great gal than book a session that doesn't go as I anticipate.
Very interesting. I have heard this response quite often, mostly from other providers. Thanks for your input!
wh1mp3r5's Avatar
Many guys on here have been burned by whores who will charge for the full hour, and then try to kick them out after the first nut maybe 15-30min. into a session. After several experiences in basically getting defrauded by whores, they'll get more defensive, and more demanding. Most of what whores call "misogyny" is bitterness and wariness at getting ripped off and having expectations that weren't met.

Very few actually expect or have the endurance to go for a full hour of sexual activity, but an hour paid should be an hour of service. If he has to leave early due to a family emergency, offer him a pro-rated portion of his donation back. If he just wants to leave for non-emergency issues, perhaps b/c he simply couldn't get it up for a female whose BMI exceeds his own, offer part of the donation back anyway if you don't want a No review that you'll have to spend time rebutting or burying using mandles and white knights. If he doesn't accept it or says it's okay to keep it, then keep it and don't guilt about it. Some dudes are just weak, submissive betas like that and not real men like me.
yoyowego69's Avatar
If I'm finished early and satisfied, I have no issues with cutting it short and would not expect any kind of refund. If I scheduled an hour of your time but decided to leave early, that is on me. I recently had a provider tell me we were done because I came after 10 mins even though I had paid for an hour. She had offered me prices for 30 min and 60 min and I went with the 60 min option. I was not very happy about it but didn't argue with her. I just chose to never see her again.
If I'm finished early and satisfied, I have no issues with cutting it short and would not expect any kind of refund. If I scheduled an hour of your time but decided to leave early, that is on me. I recently had a provider tell me we were done because I came after 10 mins even though I had paid for an hour. She had offered me prices for 30 min and 60 min and I went with the 60 min option. I was not very happy about it but didn't argue with her. I just chose to never see her again. Originally Posted by yoyowego69

Did she offer you the 30 minute rate or insist on the 60 minute since you had already agreed to it?
yoyowego69's Avatar
She didn't offer any kind of refund, I brought up the fact that I paid for an hour and was ready to keep going but she told me that the session was over since I finished. I was still rock hard and ready to go. The whole situation was a little weird, she was visiting with a friend who was still sleeping in the bed next to us. She gave me a really great bj while I ate her ass but I guess her goal was to get me to cum and get me out of there.
I expect to pay for whatever amount of time that I book, and find that I'm enjoying hhrs a lot more, because multiple pops are not necessary for my good time.
I have been given partial refunds before, but never demanded pay back. The better I research the fewer issues arise.
A Provider should only give a refund if the Provider cuts the time short.
Clients are buying time, not services, so a Client's satisfaction is irrelevant.

Unless... If a Provider is guilty of false advertising - outdated photos, incorrect stats, etc. and a Client leaves because the Provider isn't what he expected - that's on the Provider and a refund is probably in order.
Same if a provider makes promises ahead of time that aren't honored during a session.

Clients should do enough research to be confident all will be as expected.

I've missed the opportunity to see some gals because I talk too much prior to booking.
But I'd rather miss seeing a great gal than book a session that doesn't go as I anticipate. Originally Posted by OralPassion
wh1mp3r5's Avatar
Please tell me this whore's getting a No review.. right?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 07-16-2016, 09:03 AM
I recently had a provider tell me we were done because I came after 10 mins even though I had paid for an hour.
I was not very happy about it but didn't argue with her. I just chose to never see her again. Originally Posted by yoyowego69
And where is the review warning the rest of us about her?

She doesn't really give a damn if YOU ever see her again, but when her business dries up because you warned your hobby brethren about her, that's a different story.

wh1mp3r5's Avatar
And where is the review warning the rest of us about her?

She doesn't really give a damn if YOU ever see her again, but when her business dries up because you warned your hobby brethren about her, that's a different story.

z Originally Posted by ztonk
dodger's Avatar
i am a fussy old guy who puts a lot of value on my connection with a provider. I would accept anything the lady wants to do. I do agree, a provider cuts the visit short, she should make some amends. If I cut the session short .. for whatever reason .. that's on me and I would not expect or insist on any refund.

However ....if you feel that some accommodation should be made ... how about this: express regret as you were enjoying the time with him (this can be a lie ... i love providers who can provide this sort of illusion). Then offer a discount or additional time on a return visit. I'm sure the gesture would be appreciated, whether or not he takes you up on the offer.

to me .. gfe means you get the full time allotted ... regardless of activities. if the lady suggests a guy depart after he cums, she should make that condition known at the start. "i'm not msog, baby (why do they call me 'baby' when i could be their grandfather?) you cum, you're done" ,....guy should know that 'going in' ... so to speak.

ps: Jade, might be time to take the "on vacation until 7/11" off your signature
I'm still mentally on vacation (lol)...

Thanks for the responses so far, very well rounded input
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-16-2016, 09:48 AM
Hmmm...a lot depends on who it is..

since I normally just see the same girls again & again, the different patterns are prety much set.


If I end it early and want to leave, then there is absolutley no refund due or expected.

If YOU end it early, thats different. If I am just there for a pick and pop...(QV to clear the pipes, then its cool once I'm done to end it), If its a time bound agreement, then I expect it to last the full time.

I've had a few try to "short ride" me...IE little GFE just get me to cum and run. Those are usually a one time visit. I dont make a big deal out of it at the scene, but when I get the text "Hey wanna see me again"? the odds are pretty low that I'll want to.

If its one pop early, and I dont want round 2...and I CHOOSE to stay...its because I enjoy the company, like the cuddling and pillow talk...and I expect you to lay your ass there till time is up or I say its up. If I go over its because I am THOROUGHLY enjoying the cuddling & you need to remind me of the time cause I'm not paying attention...not that I'm trying to get free time.

If its Asian Layla I just try to hang on to sanity and stay alive till she says its time to hop in the shower...