This is what concerns me: long term damage from the Vaxx.

texassapper's Avatar
Relayed earlier, but starting to get more notice.

“Blood vessels in the lungs are now blocked up. In turn, this causes the heart to need to work harder to try to keep up against a much greater resistance trying to get the blood through your lungs. This is called pulmonary artery hypertension – high blood pressure in the lungs because the blood simply cannot get through effectively. People with this condition usually die of heart failure within a few short years.”
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Testing by Canadian doctor does not prove Covid-19 shots cause clots

A Canadian physician claims in a video clip shared on social media that most people who receive widely-used Covid-19 vaccines will experience blood clots. But experts say his conclusion stems from an analysis that was not published in accordance with scientific method, was not peer-reviewed, and does not prove the shots are causing clots.

B.C. doctors warned they could face discipline for spreading COVID-19 misinformation

54 adverse events out of 1.85M doses in B.C. so far
More recently, Lytton, B.C., family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe published another letter to Henry on the website of the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Choice Canada, making numerous unproven and false claims about COVID-19 vaccines.

Hoffe claimed in his letter, dated April 5, that after administering the Moderna shot to community members, he believes "this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19."

Hoffe's letter also echoes a common but thoroughly debunked talking point used in conspiracy theorist circles that suggests mRNA vaccines are actually a form of "experimental gene modification therapy."

These vaccines, which include the COVID-19 shots from Pfizer and Moderna, absolutely cannot alter someone's genes.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So is everyone ready for the lab guys to come up with an annual shot for everything?
Just think.
Businesses can eliminate dick days.
No more staying home cause of sick kids.
More business productivity.
Quicker evolution of the human race including resistance to pollution.
Metropolis here we come.

Note, that movie should be required watching to post in this forum.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
lol dick days
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 07:55 AM
Testing by Canadian doctor does not prove Covid-19 shots cause clots

A Canadian physician claims in a video clip shared on social media that most people who receive widely-used Covid-19 vaccines will experience blood clots. But experts say his conclusion stems from an analysis that was not published in accordance with scientific method, was not peer-reviewed, and does not prove the shots are causing clots.

B.C. doctors warned they could face discipline for spreading COVID-19 misinformation

54 adverse events out of 1.85M doses in B.C. so far
More recently, Lytton, B.C., family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe published another letter to Henry on the website of the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Choice Canada, making numerous unproven and false claims about COVID-19 vaccines.

Hoffe claimed in his letter, dated April 5, that after administering the Moderna shot to community members, he believes "this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19."

Hoffe's letter also echoes a common but thoroughly debunked talking point used in conspiracy theorist circles that suggests mRNA vaccines are actually a form of "experimental gene modification therapy."

These vaccines, which include the COVID-19 shots from Pfizer and Moderna, absolutely cannot alter someone's genes. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Thank you for a reasoned and documented / referenced attempt to counter some of teh fake information about vaccines. last time i checked teh CDC site - only three patients died from blood clot/pulmonary embolism.

i am still in opposition to the DPST mandatory vaccination of all people - birth to death - regardless of antibody status from previous infection.

Sen rand paul revealed he has not been vaccinated due to previous wuhan virus infection - and so as not to prevent a patient who needs vaccination from receiving it.

the fiden crime cabal tried assaulting him to silence Sen Paul - didn't work
they won't give up -- they will be back to persecute anyone in opposition to the Jab Everyone mandate.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Testing by Canadian doctor does not prove Covid-19 shots cause clots

A Canadian physician claims in a video clip shared on social media that most people who receive widely-used Covid-19 vaccines will experience blood clots. But experts say his conclusion stems from an analysis that was not published in accordance with scientific method, was not peer-reviewed, and does not prove the shots are causing clots.

B.C. doctors warned they could face discipline for spreading COVID-19 misinformation

54 adverse events out of 1.85M doses in B.C. so far
More recently, Lytton, B.C., family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe published another letter to Henry on the website of the anti-vaccine group Vaccine Choice Canada, making numerous unproven and false claims about COVID-19 vaccines.

Hoffe claimed in his letter, dated April 5, that after administering the Moderna shot to community members, he believes "this vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19."

Hoffe's letter also echoes a common but thoroughly debunked talking point used in conspiracy theorist circles that suggests mRNA vaccines are actually a form of "experimental gene modification therapy."

These vaccines, which include the COVID-19 shots from Pfizer and Moderna, absolutely cannot alter someone's genes. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So a d-dimer test is not used to detect blood clots?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hmm Canada is now forcing ""side effects"" on the labels
On point cdc 12313 vaccine deaths so far No idea about long term effects from the experimental shots

Also the idiots hollering about "jim crow voter laws u know ID , are all crickets about "show me you covid papers ,,, All rhetoric aside this ( paper) should worry people all about control
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 08:05 AM
So a d-dimer test is not used to detect blood clots? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

SM - thanks for teh reference.
the quoted test is just a screen for a degradation product of teh clotting process.

Definitive tests are at teh end of teh quoted article.

Thank You.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's a test that is used to detect blood clotting, but the fact check is claiming that it's not a legitimate test for blood clots.

So who's correct? A random dot com fact check or the United States National Library of Medicine?
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 08:36 AM
SM - It is a 'screening test' - to indicate for further investigation and testing depending on teh patient clinical status.

The word 'legitimate' is poorly applicable in this clinical setting.
texassapper's Avatar
Reading Comprehension is very low among this group. What the Canadian Dr. is claiming is that he has observed the clotting in 65% of his patients ~585. He's not claiming it's lethal. He's not claiming to have performed a scientifically peer reviewed study. He's reporting observation... And his known long term prognosis for what he's observing.

For those that don't understand the scientific method, observation is the first step. He's observed something in his patients. Now it could be that the majority of his patents are elderly and the phenomena he is observing is related to the vax impact on the elderly. He has not stated a hypothesis and attempted to disprove it.

So it's clear why Canadian Health officials poo-poo the Dr., he has not in fact done a study to know if his hypothesis is viable. But neither has the Canadian health ministry. So they cannot invalidate a hypothesis without performing the science themselves.

Additionally, the mRNA is affecting the cells of the patient to produce the antibodies that attack the ChiCom flu... else it would be 100% worthless. It's not Gene therapy that alters ones genetic code, but it is making the cells perform activity that they would not normally do absent on infection.

Regardless, you can ignore the warnings and accept the Government and Pharmaceutical companies promise that you can trust them.... but you can't sue them... Ignore that Tuskegee thing, or the cancer causing baby powder that J&J pushed on the public. I mean your government would NEVER lie to you right? Russia dossiere cough cough...
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 09:50 AM
Baby powerder has been used for decades, ta - and was not 'pushed on teh public"
In addition - the support for the lawsuits is tenuous- at best.

It is alegal circus to fund personal injury lawyer vultures.

Very much as teh fake medical article that spawned the 'vaccines cause autism' fake allegations.

Evidence Suggests Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

Medscape Official Site- Top Resource for Physicians.

Medical Reference · ‎News & Perspective · ‎About Medscape

Autism And Vaccines - Let's Set The Record Straight

Read A Scientific Article About The Possible Link Between The MMR Vaccine And Autism. We Will Look As Close To The Primary Sources As Reasonably Possible. Read The Article! 501(c)(3) Non-Profit. Free Inquiry. Secular Government. Humanist Values.

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Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism - Vaccinate Your Family

How can you be confident that vaccines are safe and don't cause autism? Learn more about this issue and the promising science on autism. Read more now! Pregnancy Vaccines. Babies & Children Shots. Preteens & Teens Shots. Adult Vaccines.

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Large-Scale Study Shows No Link Between MMR Vaccine and...

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Scholarly articles for vaccines do not cause autism

Vaccines do not cause autism: Pediatricians fight back … - ‎Knopf - Cited by 9
Do vaccines cause autism? - ‎Dudley - Cited by 4
Thiomersal does not cause autism, US court finds - ‎Dyer - Cited by 4

Autism and Vaccines | Vaccine Safety | CDC › vaccinesafety › concerns › autism

Vaccines do not cause autism. · Some people have had concerns that ASD might be linked to the vaccines children receive, but studies have shown that there is no ...

Vaccines do not cause autism | National Academies › based-on-science

Dec 21, 2018 — CLAIM Vaccines cause autism. FINDING FALSE. Many scientists have studied this question, but no credible studies show that autism is caused ...
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Reading Comprehension is very low among this group. What the Canadian Dr. is claiming is that he has observed the clotting in 65% of his patients ~585. He's not claiming it's lethal. He's not claiming to have performed a scientifically peer reviewed study. He's reporting observation... And his known long term prognosis for what he's observing. Originally Posted by texassapper
The doctor is describing what he observed. It doesn't need a fact check. What is the issue with this? Someone can't discuss an observation without having written a scientifically peer reviewed study? Why?

What the doc has done is called preliminary research. What he has is called preliminary evidence. What is the problem here? You typically need preliminary research and evidence before submitting a grant to start working on an actual publication. Why is it wrong in your eyes to discuss preliminary findings?
GaGambler's Avatar
Thank you for a reasoned and documented / referenced attempt to counter some of teh fake information about vaccines. last time i checked teh CDC site - only three patients died from blood clot/pulmonary embolism.

i am still in opposition to the DPST mandatory vaccination of all people - birth to death - regardless of antibody status from previous infection.

Sen rand paul revealed he has not been vaccinated due to previous wuhan virus infection - and so as not to prevent a patient who needs vaccination from receiving it.

the fiden crime cabal tried assaulting him to silence Sen Paul - didn't work
they won't give up -- they will be back to persecute anyone in opposition to the Jab Everyone mandate. Originally Posted by oeb11
It took me a while to warm up to Rand Paul, I still think his dad is a nut, but the more I see and hear about Rand Paul the more I like him.

My position on vaccines is very much the same as Paul's. I do believe in vaccines in general and the COVID vaccines in particular, but just like I don't get the flu shot as I see no benefit in doing so, I also have no intentions of getting the COVID vaccine/s. That said I highly support most other people getting it for their own good if they are at risk.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Vaccines blamed for onset autism ARE NOT EXPERIMENTAL LIKE THIS ONE