If You Are A Women In Afghanistan, And learned To Read And Write…….

You’re dead meat.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
unfortnately, very true.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
toxic masculinity reigns supreme in afghanistan. thats islam for ya.
bambino's Avatar
No LBGTQ flags either.
Sounds like a county run by republicans.
LexusLover's Avatar
Typical Bitten Supporter ... trying to blame others for their own incompetence and ignorance .... the "Republicans" have not "run the country" since the beginning of 2009. But FACTS never concerned you.

BTW: 2009 is when Bitten started his "oversight"!
Circle Back Psaki will be out of the office for a few days. She's having her burkas fitted.
LexusLover's Avatar
How about this.

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/trum...035129316.html Originally Posted by Jackie S
Can Hunter still "tweet"?

The killings at the airport are on Bitten/Kumola and the DNC. The slaughter of females who "associated" or "colluded" with Ul.S. personnel and troops will also be on them. And of urgent consideration .... the next terrorist attack on our domestic territory will be also.....

... as an aside it was reported that the "engineers" of the Benghazi Disaster are offering their "expertise" on the ongoing failure in Afghanistan .... which may have been why the guy in charge FLED THE FUCKING COUNTRY before he got caught and got a broom handle shooved up his ass! ... or was that a mop?

The so-called "Womens' Rights" movement of the LameStreamMedia won't be showing any images of the horrific treatment of females in Afghanistan, but they will be revealed. The typical sanitizers of truth are already removing and modifying images from the past ... in their lamestream ignorance of trying to rewrite not only U.S. history, but World History.

While Bitten/Kumola open our borders for criminals to cross with their "product" ... they have banned the women of Afghanistan to their persecution and destruction. DNC Hypocrisy at its HIGHEST!
Can Hunter still "tweet"?

The killings at the airport are on Bitten/Kumola and the DNC. The slaughter of females who "associated" or "colluded" with Ul.S. personnel and troops will also be on them. And of urgent consideration .... the next terrorist attack on our domestic territory will be also.....

... as an aside it was reported that the "engineers" of the Benghazi Disaster are offering their "expertise" on the ongoing failure in Afghanistan .... which may have been why the guy in charge FLED THE FUCKING COUNTRY before he got caught and got a broom handle shooved up his ass! ... or was that a mop? Originally Posted by LexusLover
What killings at the airport? I’ve not seen any reporting of Americans being killed by the Taliban as part of their takeover. Do know of any females being slaughtered either.

Now will that come once the Americans are gone. Yep. Would it have been any different under Trump, possibly but he spent 4 years saying we were leaving but we never did. He negotiated a withdrawal from the country but there was no agreement with the Taliban that they’d not takeover the country when we left.

It’s on Biden’s watch and to that end, he’ll be the guy that has to carry the burden of the optics. But this mess has been ongoing through what’s now a 4th administration.

And let’s be honest. Most Americans don’t give 2 fucks what happens in Afghanistan or to the Afghanny people. If anything we have operated on a sunk cost fallacy of foreign policy. We kept trying to make our losses worth something by staying and incurring more losses.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Typical Bitten Supporter ... trying to blame others for their own incompetence and ignorance .... the "Republicans" have not "run the country" since the beginning of 2009. But FACTS never concerned you.
Originally Posted by LexusLover

So.. those two years at the start of Trump where the Republicans held the White House and both floors of the legislature doesn't count?
LexusLover's Avatar
So.. those two years at the start of Trump where the Republicans held the White House and both floors of the legislature doesn't count? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
You mean while he was being harassed and investigated for false accusations of "colluding with the Russians" ... not to mention "grabbing pussy" and his family was savaged by the "media" and "investigations" ..... and his election was called illegal ... with Federal employees leaking lies about him .... while his "impeachment" was being planned?

... those "two years"?

Apparently, you wish to forget ... Trump (who was never a "Republican" before he ran for President ... and IMO he still is not!) was OPPOSED by many "Republicans" his first year or so until they WOKE UP and realized he was administratively doing good things for the status of this country irrespective of the efforts to undermine him personally and as POTUS.

... those "two years"?

You might want to examine the discussion and negotiations ongoing during the Trump Administration to wind down the U.S. presence and withdraw MILITARY from the country rather than spew the venom of the LameStreamMedia and your boy the current POTUS .. who is obviously demented and delusional.
LexusLover's Avatar
You’re dead meat. Originally Posted by Jackie S
After being stoned while buried.
Yeah the two years he was president and had a republican majority. I wasn’t aware that the press and the democrats controlled his agenda while he was in charge. Or are you saying that when republicans are in charge they can’t be effective if there are distractions.

Obama was president for 8 years with Fox slandering him and allowing commentators on their channel to attack him constantly. He was called a Muslim, communist, anti-American racist etc. every night on Fox he was attacked for everything, hell he was even attacked about his choice of suit color. But he did his job and didn’t whine on Twitter 24/7 or become obsessed with his enemies.

Trump could have done a better job but couldn’t rise above petty grievances. That was his biggest downfall.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Hey Einstein-- I didn't vote for Biden, either... and elsewhere in this forum-- this very week in fact-- I made the same statement about Trump and his political affiliation... doesn't stop many Republicans from viewing him as the Messiah. Moreover-- most of your moderate Republicans didn't change their tune because of his perceived good works.. they changed their tune because it was politically advantageous given Trump's rabid fan base. That's politics, plain and simple.

Does Biden deserve the bad optics for this? Absolutely. But lets not pretend that Afghanistan hasn't been a Kobayashi Maru from the word jump. There was never going to be a "good way" to leave.