Is he afraid Hillary might might give him a one way invitation into Fort Marcy Park ?

The witness, Gregory Starr, is the Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security - a Democrat nomination to the position.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this another stupid fucking Benghazi thread?
BTW, the answer to Gowdy's question (why does the 1999 ARB report say "the SOS should personally review the security situation") is the ARB panel believed that accountability by the Secretary of State was a necessary element of overseas security.

Of course, SOS Clinton (and her minions) want NOTHING to do with security at Benghazi ! They will do all they can to distance themselves from security lapses at the Benghazi compound, including purging damaging emails in the basement of the Harry S. Truman Building ( 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC), other wise known as the State Department Building.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is a "BUREACRAT" anything like a Burqua?
Come on Raymond Maxwell!!!

Is this another stupid fucking Benghazi thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Does the Austin Reacharound Crew meet at WTF's place on Saturdays?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It IS another fucking Benghazi thread.

Must be a slow night for you, Whir-LIE-turd!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The consulate in Benghazi only existed because Hillary's office gave an exemption to the rules. Whether she saw it or not (she signed it) is not important. It was her responsibility and she fucked it up. She should hang for it.

The other important take away is that the generals KNEW that it was a terrorist attack so you have to conclude one of two things;
the generals were derelict in their duty and did not tell the SOD or the President what they knew. Then they allowed the President to lie to the American people repeatedly about the stupid video.
they did tell the President and/or the SOD and one or both chose to ignore that information. Then someone decided to come up with the lie that was told by Susan Rice and Barack Obama.

Once you get that high up on the food chain there aren't many candidates left; Susan Rice, her boss Hillary Clinton or Secretary Hagel or CIA director Petraeus, or their boss; Barack Hussein Obama.
It is strange that the politicians/bureaucrats are in charge of delivering their correspondence to the overseeing committees and those committees must accept it as "Gospel". I wish the IRS and the court system would extend me the same courtesy.

The federal government's communication and document retention systems, their regulation and enforcement needs to be overhauled.