Fuck Tim Cook..........................

LGBT rights are largely unrecognised in Malaysia. The government retains the colonial era penal code criminalising sodomy. Social attitudes towards the LGBT community are also shaped by Islam, the official religion in Malaysia.

Apple sells and manufacturers their products from suppliers in Malaysia. But wages a boycott campaign against Indiana.
If Indiana had $2.50 a day labor to build Apple products, I'm sure Apple would be a lot less concerned about how they treat everybody except men.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-02-2015, 01:20 PM
Sadly, Jackie is correct t.

Isn't that what pure capitalism is all about? Pure capitalism is a pretty theory, but few would want to actually live in such a system.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-02-2015, 01:20 PM
Sadly, Jackie is correct t.

Isn't that what pure capitalism is all about? Pure capitalism is a pretty theory, but few would want to actually live in such a system.
And the Apple workers in uber-PC Austin are making their very good wages off homophobic places like Malaysia, and worse....while many of those same workers are so high-minded over Mike Pence and the religious protection law.
I am all for capitalism, but I will still call out manufactured outrage and publicity stunts when I see them, and that is all this is from Apple. It is not just Malaysia. Apple has factories and has stores all around the world in places where gays face discrimination, criminal prosecution, and even execution. If Apple were truly as outraged as they would like people to think they are about unfair treatment of gays, then they should put their money where their mouth is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim Cook is an idiot, but damn, I love my iPhone 6+ and my iPad.
Fuck Tim Cook..........................

LGBT rights are largely unrecognised in Malaysia. The government retains the colonial era penal code criminalising sodomy. Social attitudes towards the LGBT community are also shaped by Islam, the official religion in Malaysia.

Apple sells and manufacturers their products from suppliers in Malaysia. But wages a boycott campaign against Indiana. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Sounds like the right-wing-whackjobs better start ditching their iPhones and buying android. You'll all do that right?
I am all for capitalism, but I will still call out manufactured outrage and publicity stunts when I see them, and that is all this is from Apple. It is not just Malaysia. Apple has factories and has stores all around the world in places where gays face discrimination, criminal prosecution, and even execution. If Apple were truly as outraged as they would like people to think they are about unfair treatment of gays, then they should put their money where their mouth is. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
And, do what? Manufacture all of their products here? You ready to pay $2,500 for an iPhone?

Where does Apple manufacture products where gays face execution, btw?

I agree it's hypocritical but I don't really give a shit about Malaysia, Nigeria or Iran. They are fucking savages and I suppose they can treat their gay population as they wish. Does that mean we're supposed to be like them? We can't control what happens in those places and neither can Apple. We can control how we treat people in our own country...and that's what we ought to be focused on....not bullshit like whether Apple is holier than thou.
>>>>>Social attitudes towards the LGBT community are also shaped by Islam, the official religion in Malaysia.<<<<

Missed the irony of this part of Whirly's post.....I guess the concerns of the Christians whose rights he is so concerned about pretty much mirror what Islam teaches. That is interesting.
>>>>>Social attitudes towards the LGBT community are also shaped by Islam, the official religion in Malaysia.<<<<

Missed the irony of this part of Whirly's post.....I guess the concerns of the Christians whose rights he is so concerned about pretty much mirror what Islam teaches. That is interesting. Originally Posted by timpage
And, do what? Manufacture all of their products here? You ready to pay $2,500 for an iPhone?

Where does Apple manufacture products where gays face execution, btw?

I agree it's hypocritical but I don't really give a shit about Malaysia, Nigeria or Iran. They are fucking savages and I suppose they can treat their gay population as they wish. Does that mean we're supposed to be like them? We can't control what happens in those places and neither can Apple. We can control how we treat people in our own country...and that's what we ought to be focused on....not bullshit like whether Apple is holier than thou. Originally Posted by timpage
I've never bought an iPone, and have no plans to ever buy one. So it makes no difference to me how much or how little they cost.

Apple posted a threAD, simple as that. This is manufactured outrage to get some free advertising. Nothing more.

As to where homosexuality may result in a death sentence, I am willing to bet that Apple does business with some or all of the following countries:

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Which one is Timmy?

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Way to sting the rainbow-thong-wearing flamer !
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Did whiffy just join ISIS ?