semen production

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is there something to increase semen loads?
is there something to increase semen loads? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
burkalini's Avatar
If it feels good who cares how much you shoot.
DallasRain's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Abstinates Originally Posted by acp5762
I already do that.

I was thinking along the lines some of the products that claim to offer increased semen production.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Proper inspiration from a trained professional woman . . .

Works every time for me.
You want to drench her ? dilbert does drenching would be your name.
I already do that.

I was thinking along the lines some of the products that claim to offer increased semen production. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I was just messing with ya. There is a product called "Semenax" I've never tried it so I can't say how it will work. But I do know you take it daily. I don't think it has any troublesome side affects. Takes about two weeks to build up a level before you'll notice any change. It may suggest certain foods to eat to get the best results. Google it see how to buy it, or if it's even worth buying.
If you cum.....AKA have an orgasm...who the hell cares HOW MUCH you shoot....not an issue with me....You can shoot a couple of drops and I'm just as turned on as a bucket full....Curious, does it feel any better for you if you have a big load as opposed to a couple of drops? Why on earth would you worry about such a matter? Women that are REALLY into it ( like myself) could care less about what it taste like.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yes, reverse the aging process. Happens to all of us, better get used to it.
HEADS-UP! If you are taking Prozac or other SSRI type drug ....These drugs can cause "reverse ejaculation". Basically ejaculate ends up going into the bladder instead of coming out the meatus. A very patient lover (like myself) can help you work through these issues.
Abstinates Originally Posted by acp5762
I have to admit, I had to look up this word to figure out what you meant. It seems that "Abstinates" is not really a word at all so it is unlikely to help the OP.

Then I tried to figure out what you really meant to say and I think it was "abstinence" - which will cause you to store excess amounts of sperm but not seminal fluid. Taking phony suplements and miracle pills won't do it. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and shoot what you got and be happy with that!!
  • hd
  • 09-20-2011, 07:17 AM
I'm lucky to get a few drops, but the feeling is still ecstacy no matter how much or little comes out.

B/c of (my) age, the semenal fluid from the prostate will take the easier route back into the bladder b/c of a weak bladder sphincter leaving less fliud to go thru the tube and pick up the sperm from the testes and carry it out. And afterwards, when you pee, any of that fliud in your bladder will be carried out at that time.

Please, do not try this at home! I recommend seeing one of our specialists listed in the Showcase that will give you a safe setting in which to perform this excersize with proper supervision.

I have to admit, I had to look up this word to figure out what you meant. It seems that "Abstinates" is not really a word at all so it is unlikely to help the OP.

Then I tried to figure out what you really meant to say and I think it was "abstinence" - which will cause you to store excess amounts of sperm but not seminal fluid. Taking phony suplements and miracle pills won't do it. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and shoot what you got and be happy with that!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Well I spelled it wrong, what are ya an English Teacher.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
If you cum.....AKA have an orgasm...who the hell cares HOW MUCH you shoot....not an issue with me....You can shoot a couple of drops and I'm just as turned on as a bucket full....Curious, does it feel any better for you if you have a big load as opposed to a couple of drops? Why on earth would you worry about such a matter? Women that are REALLY into it ( like myself) could care less about what it taste like. Originally Posted by alaine
Men are visual creatures..... lol.