What do you do for a living?

London Rayne's Avatar
It has been my experience that 3 out of 5 guys I meet in the hobby are Lawyers or Doctors, so it got me thinking. Why are so many in those professions attracted to this? I mean I have met my share of sport's guys, CEOs, bankers, and insurance salesmen, but nowhere near the amount that the first two groups make up.

Seriously, what do you guys do for a living? Discreet poll.
Naomi4u's Avatar
A lot of guys I see run their own business or are retired. I have seen a few lawyers and two or three doctors but they're not the majority..... in my case.
I am in a type of Industrial Manufacturing. That is all I can say.

Even though I am the owner of the business, I am what you would call "blue collar".

But the money I make, and spend, is just as "green" as the money made and spent by the "suits".
London Rayne's Avatar
That's cuz you like old dudes Naomi lmao!

You mean "suits" Jackie ha ha. Baby, this is not about judging what you do for a living. You are a stand up guy with or without the money.

It just seems like every guy in La. is a freaking Attorney on this board...mods included! I should have posted this over there because the entire BR section would hit the Attorney choice.
Mine's not one of the choices.
London Rayne's Avatar
Awww poor Biomech...are you a Pimp? LOL!
Naomi4u's Avatar
That's cuz you like old dudes Naomi lmao!
Originally Posted by London Rayne
Nothing wrong with that
Well, the city I live in is very corporate. It's mostly white collar. The majority - I'll say 80% of the guys I see are involved in oil and gas. Accountants, Superintendents and Engineers mostly.
Powerdrive's Avatar
I drill holes in the ground for oil/gas.
simpleton's Avatar
It just seems like every guy in La. is a freaking Attorney on this board...mods included! I should have posted this over there because the entire BR section would hit the Attorney choice. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Your observation is correct. La has more lawyers per capita than 40 other states. No wonder you bump into so many lawyers. So to speak. However, I do think lawyers as a profession bang more escorts than other kinds of employment.
That's cuz you like old dudes Naomi lmao!
... Originally Posted by London Rayne
Nothing wrong with that Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Hey!! Hey!! I can see this you know!! Don't kid yourself London...you know you like my age, wisdom and experience (yah old!!)
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't really consider you old after hanging with us in NYC all night ha ha. That was some party no one bargained for I am sure.
burkalini's Avatar
I am a retired bum. I have a few businesses but I let others run them. My time is my business now. I enjoy every minute of it.
I don't really consider you old after hanging with us in NYC all night ha ha. That was some party no one bargained for I am sure. Originally Posted by London Rayne
AND went to the office the next day!! Take that!!
fwithbenes71's Avatar
I am with Medindong. Only I am an engineer with and outfit that frac's the holes he pokes in the ground.