what makes your ATF

I have several gentlemen I have seen and over the course of my time doing this I have tried to figure out why there are some I prefer over others and some there is no way I would have any desire to see. For my personally my favorites really have nothing to do with their BCD but the attitudes and personalities. 99% of the gentlemen I have be clean,respectful and fun to be with. so aside from the superficial reason what draws you.Their posts?reviews?PM's? or is it just being able to say you saw ________?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good to see you back Riley!! Missed you
She has a really great.....ummmm......errrrr... ...attitude!! That's it!! Attitude.

LMAO ED ED......
Like any civil relationship I would say it would be the initial attraction but the personality and chemistry that allows it to "last".
anaximander's Avatar
Personality is a must. Looks get the invite.
Personality seals the deal.

ATF has elements of previous ex's all
in one package minus the bitching.
ScubaBad's Avatar
+1 to Shayla. Although the first time with someone (her or in the "real" world) is always exciting, it is much better if you can connect and get to know someone. Initial attraction is what gets us started, but it is the muscle between the ears that keeps me going back for more.
I am strictly an ATF guy, I have been seeing my current ATF on a weekly basis for well over two years.

Of course, she appeals to me physically, every man has a certain type of Lady that seems to stimulate him visually more than others. She just has that certain look that I find extremely attractive. I really can't say exactly what particular physical trait appeals to me, it's sort of like you know it when you see it.

But aside from the physical, I think I really like Sarah because she does not have a pretentious bone in her body. What you see is exactly who she is, a very pleasant Lady to hang out with. I enjoy her on my arm when we are out, and I enjoy her in all ways possible when we are BCD.
Personality is a must. Looks get the invite.
Personality seals the deal.

ATF has elements of previous ex's all
in one package minus the bitching. Originally Posted by anaximander
I like this answer only thing I would change is having a connection seals the deal.
anaximander's Avatar
Insofar as I know their personality only
works if there is a connection.
Otherwise it's not too different from
a quack female urologist.

But I do know what you mean.
That ' click.
split pussy hairs...lol that is a new phrase
Still Looking's Avatar
simpleton's Avatar
You might think its my good looks or charming personality. That's not it. It's the way I make them feel. and I'm not talking about sex. That's why they want to see me again and again. All kidding a side I think that's what makes any atf. The way they make you feel.
My ATF is a Necromancer. Having powers over the dead, she takes my penis and performs a resurrection!
She also stalks me so I won't give the real answer.
burkalini's Avatar
If I want to see her again 5 minutes after I leave.