OWS, and the decriminalization movement

Tonight at 11, Hooker Radio is asking Sex Workers and Clients to learn from the Gay rights movement, Occupation Wall Street, and Slutwalk-

We are asking for Clients and Sex Workers to consider coming out of the closet on "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever you are!" on Hooker Radio.

Join us in standing up and saying "I buy/or sell sex (not girls) and I AM NORMAL!"

We must allow the average Joes in America to see that we are all average Joes and that consent should be the only requirement for a positive sexual encounter.

anaximander's Avatar
I don't care much for communists, bums, anarchists,
or fags. There is a lot of $$$ money being exchanged
here. You're just beggin the govt to come take its
% from both sides. I can't think of another vocation
where the Sin Tax would be more appropriate.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
oh no no no no anax.....

anaximander's Avatar
oh no no no no anax.....

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I'm not saying I would think its appropo
to tax us. Only what else would these dc parasites
tax if they could get away with it. Normalize
is code for tax and regulate. Fuck that.