a question for overnighters

pickupkid's Avatar
I would rather do a two hours at night and then two hours in the morning instead of an overnighter....cause I like don't want to pay for sleeping. What are your feelings about this situation..providers and clients.
Personally i don't do any overnight with anyone unless I have already seen them or have some form of repore with them and than i personally don't go by a hourly gift...it varies from person to person so I don't have a set gift but I also don't do the schedule type like I have seen...but that is just me...
I would rather do a two hours at night and then two hours in the morning instead of an overnighter....cause I like don't want to pay for sleeping. What are your feelings about this situation..providers and clients. Originally Posted by pickupkid
I would rather do a two hours at night and then two hours in the morning instead of an overnighter....cause I like don't want to pay for sleeping. What are your feelings about this situation..providers and clients. Originally Posted by pickupkid
I have done a lot of overnights with a few selected clients. In my experience, the client has never viewed it as paying for sleep. I think the feeling of a tight, warm body snuggled against them all night is what entices them. That and the fact that almost everytime we shift in our sleep, it usually ends in... "shifting"...
I recently experienced a two night overnight, with a full day sandwiched in the middle. The best 35 hours I have spent in 30 years. The rate was reasonable, given the time spent. If I could do it again tomorrow, I would.
pickupkid's Avatar
As far as someone to sleep next to me....my So does that for free. no charge for snuggling.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Sleep? What sleep?

As far as someone to sleep next to me....my So does that for free. no charge for snuggling. Originally Posted by pickupkid
Lol! When you look at it THAT way, I guess I can see your point.

Sleep? What sleep? Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Lol, exactly, Lina!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-10-2012, 08:17 PM
Personally i don't do any overnight with anyone unless I have already seen them or have some form of repore with them and than i personally don't go by a hourly gift...it varies from person to person so I don't have a set gift but I also don't do the schedule type like I have seen...but that is just me... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Irish Lady,

I completely agree. I would never do an overnight with someone I was not already comfortable with--because there will be a lot of other things going on that are best with at least some friendship thrown in.

The biggest positive for me is the sense of no clock, no need to fit a predefined plan, no obligation to be limited by a menu. Generally my overnights include dinner and/or some other event out of the room, lost of relaxing, playing, hugging, a massage or two, catching up since last time, etc. Yes, sometimes there is some sleep . Breakfast--one part in bed, one part at a quiet restaurant. And lots and lots of smiles and pleasant memories, and if done at the right time--say a Friday to Saturday--it ends when we want it to end.

Overnights are most definately not for everyone--nor with everyone. If the only measure of quality a guy has is how a lady performs in bed, overnights are not for him--he would likely walk away disapointed in what he got. It is much more the whole experience, but with the right lady it's a tremendous experience--but you have to be into the romance as well as the sex.
shorty's Avatar
I would rather do a two hours at night and then two hours in the morning instead of an overnighter....cause I like don't want to pay for sleeping. What are your feelings about this situation..providers and clients. Originally Posted by pickupkid
As far as someone to sleep next to me....my So does that for free. no charge for snuggling. Originally Posted by pickupkid
From your point of view, a multiple session would probably be best. I do see your point about not paying to sleep because you already have a SO to cuddle too. However, you might try a clock free date and a single session the next morning. This way would be able to playtime, go out to lunch/dinner, hang out for awhile, and finish up with some more playtime for a clock free date. Then finish up the next morning for a single session. For some ladies they may give you a special rate for doing something like this and would gladilly go out for lunch/dinner OTC if asked.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
If a provider are says an overnight is just a couple of hours before sleep and a couple of hours after sleep, you need to seek overnights from a different provider. I have done a couple and one started at 4pm and ended 10am the next day and the other was around the same. About 10 hours of time to do whatever and around 8 to sleep. This was clearly defined beforehand.

I don't get the urge very often but not having to worry about the time can be great.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I love overnights. Most of my overnights have been with ladies I've never met before. I read a lot about her before I make that choice. After the evening's bcd activities, we can move to a more relaxing evening. Two people sleeping together who don't know each other. The mutual trust and vulnerability is awesome. When I wake up in the middle of the night, finding her cuddled against me feels wonderful.

I agree with Old-T, overnights are not for everyone.

Mutli-day events are unique and enjoyable as well. I've done those a couple of times.

It takes a lot of time in learning about a lady to make sure the fit is good. With ladies I've never met before, I always give them the option to call it off at any time. I even did an overnight doubles.

I actually prefer overnights, and when I'm out of town, I schedule them.
HiTechguy's Avatar
I like overnighters, I pay for them , a relaxed evening, great sex and sleep cuddled what else make a weekend better. Ladies who does overnight bravo....
Done them a few times. They can be fun. Dinner, drinks, sex, more drinks, sex, more drinks, sleep, wake up, sex. I don't get it either, really. If I was a guy I wouldn't pay for it. Over night rates are the same as seeing 8 different girls. Meh... If they've got the money and they want to, let them.
Sleep? What sleep?

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
My thoughts exactly.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Never done an over-nighter. I'm a cheap ass and don't like to pay for sleeping-- BTW, since when is 8 hours required for sleep? At most, I sleep for 6 hours if that.

I guess it all depends on the provider's price structure. If she sets her overnight rate at a reasonable level, then look at it this way. If she agrees to be with you for 12 hours with four of those hours being play time, then I'd say it would be reasonable to pay $1,000 to $1,200 for the encounter. That would be $250-$300 per play hour. Now, if the provider goes north of $1,500 for an overnighter, that enters the unreasonable range.