Todays playoff game Parking pass HELP

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Is there anyone ANYONE out in hobby land that just might not be using their parking pass tonight? I will drive to you if you are willing to share plus 50 off the next session as a thankyou.


What's the best (or sneakiest) way to get into parking or would a cab be better for drop off at this stadium. I have no idea and don't want to be caught off guard. I've never been to this one. And f-ing ZE decided to run off to Korea exactly when I need her. Bitchola.
johnkaka's Avatar
You don't need a parking pass; many of the local businesses will allow you to park in their lots - 2 options - cash lots ranging from $30 - $50 or some businesses will give you a voucher to place on your dash if you spend a certain amount of money in their business (lunch or dinner w drinks) usually gets me the voucher. Most of these places are within a 5-10 minute walk around the stdium. Hope that helps; I'll be out there today as well...Go Cowboys!!!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
oh AWESOME. Do you have a place you like over any others? What time is best to show up and smooch up to the business owners? I only have experience in grid lock on 35 for the old stadium. Any experience with how soon to go to this one is appreciated.

OMG I just looked at my post count here. How funny is that!!! I went from 2800 posts to 28. Wow. I'm a newbie again!!
I went to last weeks game and per this parking map was able to find ample parking in Lot E for $30 about an hour before kick off. Hope this helps. Have fun, GO COWBOYS!!!


Here is the link for a better resolution of the parking map:
Kayla, when I've gone to the stadium I park at Lincoln Square Shopping center. It is on the corner of I-30 and collins. If you spend $40.put the receipt on your winshield and you park free. You can just buy a gift certificate for $40. They have best buy, bed bath & beyond, Colter, TGIF,Jason Deli, many stores and restaurants to choose from. It' about 6 blocks from the stadium.
travelling_man's Avatar
I'm just jealous that you're going. Me? I'll be watching it on TV like everyone else.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
If you live close to fort worth, you can always park at the tre parking behind Texas and Pacific lofts(TRE stop) and take the bus that they run special for cowboys games. $5. I-30 and w. lancaster

Just a thought if you just want kick back and not get hassled with traffic
dtx/tn's Avatar
May be too late for this suggestion, but Humperdinks (700 Six Flags Drive) has free parking and a shuttle to the stadium for like $10. Its maybe a mile and a half away...not sure exactly, but its a great set-up.
thank god i live 15 mins from the cowboys lol