The best way to ask for forgiveness?

Ok here goes, I honestly expect some of you to hold no punches and call me an idiot. Anyways, I scheduled a date with one of our local ladies and Murphys law took place, before I could or even thought about our appointment it was already past time. I checked my PMs and of course she was far from happy about what had happened. I really want to see her yet I think that it might be to late to reconcile myself. yes she is one of our local favorites that gives 5 star performances. Any thoughts?
AchillestheTrojan's Avatar
What an idiot.
Thanks, now can you bring a solution to my problem?
Pay her for her time.
Just move on to the next one and forget about it when ever one NCNS us its no big deal. Trust me I know about the old NCNS.
Lil nicky, I just want to have a more professional attitude with the ladys.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
We'll this ol game is pretty straight forward...we call one another friends yet it's really about $$$, pussy and fuckin. So to right your wrong. I would start by asking if she will see you? Apologize for the NCNS but your most likely going to have pay double or sweetin the pot some how. Personally I'd just consider it a fuck up and move on to somebody else. Once a lady gives you the stink eye in the hobby she's pretty well done with you. If all else fails tell her your nuts started hurting..seems fair since providers use I started my period ten minutes before an appointment.
I have fucked up before and just came clean. She actually 1) believed me and 2) granted a second chance. (No recompense required). Once she agreed and we met, well she fell for all my red neck charm and the rest is history. Everybody drops the ball from time to time. Just fess up. If she tells you to kiss her ass. Agree. If she tells you to fuck off. Obey. Then call someone else and be happy.
Understand that THEY talk about us just like we do about them. Don't make that a habit and you will be fine.
Your the consumer in this equation and she's the business. If I make a dinner reservation and fail to show that's poor taste on me but just a bad business decision on the business not to take my reservations in the future. If you establish a pattern with said business of this sort of behavior then it would behoove them to no longer take your reservation. But an isolated incident is just the cost of doing business....
Pay her for her time. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
  • jwood
  • 07-24-2016, 10:12 AM
Buy a watch.
Money talks, bullshit walks