Thread Moves

John Bull's Avatar
I've moved the top 6 or so threads to the Sandbox. There is no question that there are many more blatant political and non-D&T threads remaining but - they will be closed for posting, if not by actual closing but by this; there will be no further posting to any thread that doesn't directly relate to high end providing or hobbying.
Should anyone violate this, sanctions will be forthcoming.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Send them over John. I have placed a sticky at the top of the forum detailing the minimal rules for these type discussions.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I've moved the top 6 or so threads to the Sandbox. There is no question that there are many more blatant political and non-D&T threads remaining but - they will be closed for posting, if not by actual closing but by this; there will be no further posting to any thread that doesn't directly relate to high end providing or hobbying.
Should anyone violate this, sanctions will be forthcoming. Originally Posted by John Bull
Exactly what constitutes "high end?" I would not want to step afoul of the new regulations and be sanctioned.
Damn! Tough audience.
Tougher mods.
Yeah right.

BTW, I have this bridge for sale....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Tougher mods. Originally Posted by SR Only
Nah SR, he's a pussycat! Plus he's issuing a stick to everyone at the door when they come in. Easier to beat each other over the head that way.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I've moved the top 6 or so threads to the Sandbox. There is no question that there are many more blatant political and non-D&T threads remaining but - they will be closed for posting, if not by actual closing but by this; there will be no further posting to any thread that doesn't directly relate to high end providing or hobbying.
Should anyone violate this, sanctions will be forthcoming. Originally Posted by John Bull
Can you put Marshall into a 'troll only' forum?
This thread is reminding me of grade school...
This thread is reminding me of grade school... Originally Posted by Valerie
Did you go to grade school with horny, smart-ass, old men???
This thread is reminding me of grade school... Originally Posted by Valerie
Its a shame we aren't up to your level of refinement.
Its a shame we aren't up to your level of refinement. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I learned this in grade school with Val -"Don't be cheeky!!"
Its a shame we aren't up to your level of refinement. Originally Posted by pjorourke
The politics left, but the snarkiness remains! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

BTW: Didn't you post in the Feedback section that if they took politics out of D&T you would close your account?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2011, 06:56 AM
Its a shame we aren't up to your level of refinement. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I can vouch that the girl can refine it up or refine it down depending on expectations. All in all she is a class act if treated with respect.

JB, I think it was a good call to move this shit, probably should have done it a few months ago but no sense crying over spilt milk.
Mods, thanks.

I was this close [] to starting a thread about why was there so much politics in this forum. I was thinking I did not have an understanding of what the D&T stood for.

I think politics are great, you guys can hash them out all you want, but now I don't to trip over all of these topics.