How Fuckin' Stupid???

I'll let you figure out what I'm talking about with the picture in front
of the truck.

Holy fuckin' crap.
  • omaha
  • 01-25-2012, 05:07 PM
It looks like she peed her pants. She's standing in a puddle.
  • Sami
  • 01-25-2012, 05:12 PM
She should have blurred the license plate.... At least she didn't have a kid in picture.
It might not even be her and it might not even be her truck.

Mistakes people make. Hopefully one of you guys have contacted her to let her know of the mistake in the picture?
There was another provider a couple of years ago that had pics taken in front of a Cadillac and showed the complete license plate number.
Even if it's not her ( but I believe it is, having met her once) or her vehicle, she's at least inviting LE to visit with the owner of the vehicle, and that's just not cool.
And think about the exposure to stalkers . they see that photo , they find out what hotel she is at, they look for that truck in the parking lot , and then follow her wherever she goes .
So which one of you stand up guys contacted her to inform her of this instead of saying she's stupid?
I don't think I'd ever suggest that I'm anything like a stand up guy ( preferring cowgirl ) but I have passed on a message to her. Hopefully she'll get it.

Just another notch against inexperience and too much youth!
12blue4u's Avatar
I texted her roomate about it
I texted her directly at about 11:00 last night and followedup with more explanation this morning .
cqtnow's Avatar
Hey, that's my truck! JK
Elena is the voice of common sense again! And as usual, blue and cat take action. That's why I like this site.
She just changed her pic.
Thanks for contacting her guys. I don't have a membership and I want nothing to do with that site as I think its a joke.