My Latest Review

First off I want to thank Mike for the review and it was a pleasure to finally meet you.

Now, I usually don't respond to reviews, but I feel that some of you need an explaination from me to make it more clear.

I did something that I usually don't do and that is, I didn't count my fee upfront and I did not know how much he had given me. We had agreed upon my outcall fee for an hour of $300.

I'm not going to go into detail about ALL the activities that took place because I don't kiss and tell (never will), but he is pretty much on the spot with the exception of I also gave him a massage.

I also did something that I usually don't do, I REALLY didn't watch the clock and I stayed for damn close to 2 hours. When I had gotten in my car and got to the lights, it was exactly 2 hours after I had walked in the door. If any of you have read my rates on my website, my 2 hour rate is a lot more than what he gave me as a tip.

I'm really surprised at how a couple of you responded. Just because some of you won't pay over 150/180/200 for a chick doesn't mean others won't. Just because some of you don't tip doesn't mean that other won't. I have never and will not take advantage of a client.

This is exactly why some of guys don't write reviews.

You'll bitch about how some gentleman (in EVERY sense) chooses to spend HIS money without even knowing what truly happened. My question is...why do you care? Are you afraid that the ladies are going to raise their rates if gents pay more?

I'm VERY accommodating to my clients, most of you can attest to that. All my clients are treated the same way, but I will say that I do appreciate the tips and I'm more inclined to be even more accommodating to the client who tips me. That is standard in any customer service based job. You tip a waiter or waitress very well, you'll get better service and maybe even a free drink or dessert.

Do you think that every single activity is listed in every review that y'all write? Reviews aren't only to prove that a chick is legit, it's also a space for you to pound your chest and boost your ego.

Any other questions or comments, direct them to me and leave the new guy alone.
Well said.
I agree, I have heard from many guys that this kind of behavior discourages them from contributing on eccie.
That was very well said!
Mike007's Avatar
I guess I'm "The New Guy"! Sweet!!
The New Guy or Mike, but I thought we settled on My Pretty Boy
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Bravo Elena! Well said. What one pays for their time with a provider is a matter between client and provider and nobody else's business. Why some folks seem to think they have the right to tell others how to spend their money is beyond me. We get enough of that crap from the government!
Erwin M Fletcher's Avatar
Yeah, yeah, I just don't get this somewhat ongoing discussion that arises in reviews about how much a guy pays or how much a lady will charge. It's individual's choices and marketing decisions and everything else that we're free to do in this country.

Some guys just wanna bust a nut. That's fine. I can be that way too. Some times some guys want a more complete experience and that just ain't gonna happen with a half hour session. Some guys are only going to get off once in a session so it's not a matter of how many times that bell is rung, it's the journey to that point that all contributes to the physical and mental and even emotional climax.

Every guy is different and when people post on here I'm grateful for any and every thing they contribute to my knowledge of different ladies in the area. Us guys can't even agree on what constitutes "upselling" as you can read in another discussion. So we're sure as hell not all about to agree as to what to pay for what level of service.

I don't fly often but sometimes when I do fly, I like to fly first class!
Sometimes things happen during a session that the guy doesn't want others to know about. I'm not saying that's the case in this situation, but it happens.

Take my other review from yesterday.....he forgot to add that it was a domme session. Now, there were a few things that happened that he didn't add because I told not to because I know how some of the guys can get. If its not the normal "guy fucks girl, guy gets head" thing and its something different, some of y'all are quick to say, "go find a different site for that crap."

I'm gonna start handing out gavels to a few guys for when they start judging.
Variety is the spice of life, and I'm thankful that there are a variety of providers with different strengths.

As much as we try to make this a business transaction, it is still about people and chemistry. Heck, chemistry even makes a difference when dining and a waiter or waitress. Good chemistry between people often leads to better service. It is really that simple.
MP said it perfect. All guys want something different and I can't force a guy to do something if he doesn't want it (unless its a domme session).

Chemistry does have some to do with a successful session, but that's not what's in question here.