i10 Melissa

If anyone has her new number, please PM me with it. It's been a while and I am back in town, so I'd like to give her a call and see her, if possible.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Wish I had her number, she is the best
Biggie_Smalls's Avatar
lol. Dayum. I think she went UTR or out the game.
Alpha_Male's Avatar
As old as she was, she's probably in assisted living by now.
Damn not even rosie around
I’ve actually had an ongoing thing with Veronica...looks like they might all be gone. I was all set to meet her last week and she ghosted me...never done it in the 6 years we’ve played together. IF anyone was lucky enough to travel to that little house - chances are you had an incredible time..
Guitarzan1980's Avatar
Weird thing...i got a call from Melissa this past week saying that Veronica's husband found her phone. Melissa told me i need to start calling her again.
Biggie_Smalls's Avatar
DAMN so some of youse do still keep in touch? I only had the "honor" to visit that little house once. As always she was not the most attractive but gawdamn she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

Out of all those years; I never had the chance to play with rosie and veronica. I wish I had jumped ship earlier but those were my bissy days in the slootmobile getting a plethora of walker slooots.

  • ?guy
  • 02-23-2021, 08:32 AM
I also would appreciate a PM with her number if possible lol
milagro1970's Avatar
Same here
Damn. I also want that number.
Redrum TX's Avatar
Hand raised!! LOL
  • r66
  • 03-01-2021, 04:10 PM
me, too, please