false Allegations from TX toyboy

GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
TX toy boy is an ex SO
Recently he set up an account and has been posting false allegations of me personally.
I have worked hard to keep my clients comfortable, clean and happy.
You will see that I have a good reputation on here and have busted my ass trying to do so.
He has been jealous and has been trying EVERYTHING to mess up my business.
Please, do not let these effect your opinion on me if you've been debating on coming over or calling me.
You can see for yourself why I have been so successful thus far.


gptxman's Avatar
I don't know either of you or what has been said either way but his account was created in October 2010 so your first statement about him that he recently set up an account to post false allegations IMO is not correct.

There is no way I would consider a member who has been her for over 10 months to be a recent one to join the board.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
Well, he created it when we were together, and i do believe he started a thread that was directed at me indirectly. I got into his email account and saw the welcome email eccie sends. I have done no harm to my regular clientele. but youll notice every post he posts on are my REVIEWS.
hes been banned so should be no problem for awhile.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
oh, and notice how many f***ing posts hes posts. Oh, all about me.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
thanks bubba, i appreciate it. i have not spoke or seen him in over 2 months.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
CenterLock's Avatar
Ok. Not trying to rain on this, but...

I personally don't go looking for who has or is doing what to whom on this board but starting a thread about it makes a big neon sign for people. IMO this would have been better handled privately - email to staff or PM a mod.

My grain of salt masquerading as an opinion.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

he also goes by poloking Originally Posted by GabrielaSweetheart
I wanted to comment on that thread but bumping is frowned on. Have you found a replacement? I can sit around and drink beer and play video games and watch your kid all day. Would missionary sex once a week be out of the question? Perhaps after my weekly Saturday night bath?
BarebackLover's Avatar

Just so everyone knows the number on this post is no longer in MY use. I use MY phone now and the number is 940-442-1257. I handle my OWN booking and schedule my OWN appointments. Originally Posted by GabrielaSweetheart
Does this imply that someone else had control of your account, phone, and appointment book at one time?

Also, you say:
I got into his email account and saw the welcome email eccie sends. Originally Posted by GabrielaSweetheart
You admitted to getting into his email account and reading his emails from Eccie. Isn't that a no-no? Suppose I broke into your email and read your emails and came on Eccie and said I did that.

I'm wondering if there is anything that comes about if one Eccie member "got into" another Eccie member's email account and read their emails. Both of you are not exactly innocent...recently.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
I have no problem admitting when I first thought about getting into this business I sought guidance from someone who had been around and introduced me to eccie. However, I had control of my account I just didn't use my phone. && I didn't read his emails from eccie, lol. I just got into his email to prove he was lying to me by showing him the welcome email. If it wasnt for me, he wouldn't have known about it to begin with lol

wtf happened to the old eccie? When alerts were actually useful and not some client this did bc i didn't screen right, or this provider robbed me, and when people really only commented to be supportive? If anyone gets a bad review they post their side in the coed discussion, from what i've seen soo... Fuck it I'll tell my side too. (: