Why do you need a cute title to "create interest"? Seriously, why does that matter? I click on reviews because I'm interested in the woman being reviewed, not some guy's failed attempt at erotic creative writing.
Frankly, the art of writing entertaining reviews is long lost...hell, even I shoot more for brevity than the well-turned phrase most of the time, and I could wax poetic with the best of 'em when I got truly inspired.
You guys need to recognize that all these "witty titles" are now nothing but background noise since virtually everyone else is doing exactly the same thing.
Originally Posted by TinMan
TinMan, I agree, which is why I'm going to dispense with the cute titles in the future. A short phrase can be helpful and informative if it refers to certain activities (greek, gfe, pse, bbbj, etc.). It helps me at least when reviewers do this, especially if I am not familiar with the woman being reviewed.