Deception of pics

It's downright criminal of ladies to post pics of outdated photos on Tryst. Then post pics on Twitter. You should be ashamed of yourself. That's the equivalent of someone passing funny money to ladies.
TurdFerguson80's Avatar
Or using filters on their pictures to try to cover up flaws. Some stretch marks and mommy damage don't bother me, just don't try to hide it.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I met this real estate agent right before Thanksgiving to show me properties and when we were done she handed me a business card and I did a double take lol it looked nothing like her and the image on her business card had to be 10 plus years ago
TurdFerguson80's Avatar
Well that has nothing to do with the hobby, but do go on.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Well that has nothing to do with the hobby, but do go on. Originally Posted by TurdFerguson80
Sorry Mr Ferguson , I was typing from my phone , it seems to be a trend with the hobby . Social media and other professions and dating websites . Ladies should just be there authentic self ALWAYS, there’s a type for everyone
farmncityboy's Avatar
It's downright criminal of ladies to post pics of outdated photos on Tryst. Then post pics on Twitter. You should be ashamed of yourself. That's the equivalent of someone passing funny money to ladies. Originally Posted by Baconman
What about using someone else's pictures? Recently I met a young lady who advertises on Tryst and Twitter. She was highly recommended. When we met I knew right away that she was using someone else's pictures. She was a hottie herself and I didn't say anything, but DAMN, I prefer to see who I thought I was going to see!
Of course you want to see who you think are going to see. I saw a real estate lady who had a picture of a 30 year but was early 50's when I saw her but it didn't bother as much because she wasn't going to naked and doing anything sexual. But my rant is about a famous gal who still posts old and much smaller version of herself. Can't pull off that feat with that.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Of course you want to see who you think are going to see. I saw a real estate lady who had a picture of a 30 year but was early 50's when I saw her but it didn't bother as much because she wasn't going to naked and doing anything sexual. But my rant is about a famous gal who still posts old and much smaller version of herself. Can't pull off that feat with that. Originally Posted by Baconman
Lmao I hear you mr bacon. You order a hottie and a two sacker shows up, I hate when that happens!
Just so everyone knows, I am much better looking than my avatar. LOL
TurdFerguson80's Avatar
Just so everyone knows, I am much better looking than my avatar. LOL Originally Posted by Rockydoc

Do you still slobber a lot? That might do it for some guys that like sloppy BJs.
tuckahoe's Avatar
What about using someone else's pictures? Recently I met a young lady who advertises on Tryst and Twitter. She was highly recommended. When we met I knew right away that she was using someone else's pictures. She was a hottie herself and I didn't say anything, but DAMN, I prefer to see who I thought I was going to see! Originally Posted by farmncityboy
Sometimes pimps post ads using a real picture of one of the girls, then send a different girl.
Do you still slobber a lot? That might do it for some guys that like sloppy BJs. Originally Posted by TurdFerguson80
I do drool a lot. However. If anyone forced a sick in my mouth I would bite it off
DallasRain's Avatar
that is why I hate using glamour type photos
I use my cell phone and only use lighting effects
TurdFerguson80's Avatar
I do drool a lot. However. If anyone forced a sick in my mouth I would bite it off Originally Posted by Rockydoc

I wouldn't force you. I would wine, dine, and Staff Edit - Biomed1
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
I'd rather catch em from a fishing pole than a Benjamin.