I doubt that a single Right-leaning person here will admit as much. I'll probably get a "you used 'dumb' out of context, it means unable to speak", before I get an admission that Trump was dumb to bring up Biden in THE telephone call with the Ukraine President.
why did Trump do it? forget quid pro quo or anything sinister. let's say the call was "beautiful" and completely legal.
Gulliani was on the Biden case for months. why put yourself in hot water by speaking about Biden? what could you possibly gain? even if Biden is guilty as sin, what would a Ukraine investigation do to hinder Biden in 2020? people already have their minds made up about the impropriety or not.
the fact that Hunter was on the Board is guilt to me. I don't care if Biden Sr.'s "Son of a Bitch" quote was about eliminating a Prosecutor who was after Biden's son. the left says it had nothing to do with Hunter.. I don't know.. doesn't look good to me, but I don't know.. I haven't seen hard evidence to prove it.
but back to Trump.. why put yourself in possible trouble? you had Gulliani on the case. nobody was rankled that Trump's personal Lawyer was doing his thing on behalf of Trump. why escalate? why not beat the shit out of Biden in next years' debates, if Joe won the nomination? Trump could and would do that easily. why? why?