More hypocracy from Democrats

HedonistForever's Avatar
Democrats were horrified and outraged when they saw this tweet calling the words "harmful", "inappropriate", inciting violence! But they weren't saying that when those words came from a Democrat and used against a Republican President but when used against a Democrat Gov., it's criminal. Just when you thought Democrats couldn't embarrass themselves any more, they up the ante.

Democrats outraged as anti-Cuomo troll uses Maxine Waters quote that had targeted Trump aides

Redirected at Cuomo officials, comment is 'way way way over the line'

Democrats have been riled up on Twitter after a troll account altered a quote by Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., to go after Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The original 2018 quote by Waters advised her supporters to publically confront Trump administration officials, in protest of the child separation policy at the southern border.
But a Friday tweet from an unknown individual, who’s twitter handle suggests they are a troll specifically targeting the New York governor, directed the calls for harassment towards Cuomo.

"If you see anybody from the Cuomo Administration in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," the tweet read, signing the message from "Maxine CuomoWatch."

But instead of passing off the tweet as a troll driving controversy, political officials responded angrily to the message, garnering more attention to the aggressive post.
"The terrifying events of the last month have shown us more clearly than ever that words have consequences," New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said on Twitter, referencing the attack on the U.S. Capitol earlier this month. "This sort of targeting and incitement is simply wrong, and totally unacceptable."

The message was retweeted more than 500 times, with an additional 300 quote tweets with split reviews, some noting the hypocrisy in the message originally written by a Democratic congresswoman while others condemned the calls to violence.

None of the politicians who condemned the tweet noted the reference to Water's 2018 comments.

This comes on the heels of calls for investigating the actions of Gov. Cuomo with regard to nursing home deaths to which Gov. Cuomo is quoted say "who care if they died in a hospital or a nursing home, their dead".

So the Emmy award winning Gov. who got the award for "leadership" during the Covid crisis, has got a crisis of his own.
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 01-30-2021, 06:50 AM
mm - for once - u got it correct
Hypocrisy - with a capital 'H'!!!!!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Maybe the Dims should erect a PC bubble around themselves to protect themselves.

Pelousy wants to bubble the House of Reps.

I think I can support this concept.

Then simply turn off the air.
Huh? Who's in the "bubble"? It burst 1/20/21.
  • oeb11
  • 01-30-2021, 03:04 PM
?more violent rhetoric???
usual avoidance of teh concepts of the OP.