meet and greet?

davidsmith0123's Avatar
Austin and San Antonio have meet and greets. They meet every 4 ~ 6 weeks. Maybe BCS could do something like this, perhaps once every 3 months, or once a semester. Would there be enough interest? Respond if you are at least potentially interested. Probably something starting about 5 pm, and a couple hours. But need sufficient interest to make something like this at all worthwhile, especially interest among both clients and providers. In the end BCS may just be too small for such an event, but I though it worth asking....
Buckskin's Avatar
Sounds like fun but alas, killeen is to slow and too shy and too far away to join such fun
Hope you compress your feces and make it happen.
david1978's Avatar
I would if it is a very discrete location
knotty man's Avatar
i go to the ones thrown by ck 0n a regular basis.
theyre a blast, and really quite tame........till the afterparties!!
randomguy2010's Avatar
I'm with David1978 on this one. Too small a town with too many known faces to get away with that around here "discreetly". Unless it took place just out of town or something.
The likelihood of meeting someone at such a gathering that I already know from work is very high. That being said, I'd be up for such a gathering :-P. Would be mildly amusing to run into someone I know. Also I'm sure be some fun stories to share with fellow hobbyist. The hobbyist/provider ratio may be somewhat uneven however.