Late night snack.....

okay, so if you try to watch what you put into your body and have late night munchies like me, try this...

Vanilla Greek yogurt
fresh chopped up fruit (I like blueberries and strawberries)
Granola (Special K, touch of honey... find it on cereal isle)
Wheat Germ (Google the benefits of it)

It kinda sounds gross, but I promise you it's VERY tasty and leaves you with that full feeling... try it, let me know what you think!!!

I "was" a master physical fitness specialist...Cooper Certified, but that doesnt' mean anything to you guys.... lol.... didn't keep up CEU's, but brain doesn't forget what you already know... This is a GREAT treat for late night snacking.... spooning it in my mouth as I type... giggles

Wheat germ is VERY beneficial to sperm production, and so are OATS. I sometimes mix the two together, feeling horny have way through eating it
LA Man's Avatar
"Greek" always makes the menu tastier. And protein helps the body think it's full....
"Greek" always makes the menu tastier. And protein helps the body think it's full.... Originally Posted by LA Man
Oh Gawd.... You really do think dirty all the time, don't you??? Never thought about "greek" yogurt.... I do have a tshirt that says, "It's all Greek to me.." and yes, I bought it bc my mind was in the gutter too....

TiCobra's Avatar
Oh Gawd.... You really do think dirty all the time, don't you??? Never thought about "greek" yogurt.... I do have a tshirt that says, "It's all Greek to me.." and yes, I bought it bc my mind was in the gutter too....

Tay Originally Posted by Taylor_Love
Well yeah Taylor...I could see how that shirt would get an evil little grin out of me...
Oh Gawd.... You really do think dirty all the time, don't you??? Never thought about "greek" yogurt.... I do have a tshirt that says, "It's all Greek to me.." and yes, I bought it bc my mind was in the gutter too....

Tay Originally Posted by Taylor_Love
Is the writing on the front or the back?
LA Man's Avatar
+1 GS
Is the writing on the front or the back? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

LMAO, the front, but I know what you were thinking... you big perv you...
