NEW HOOKER 101.... The Basics

Still Looking's Avatar
Make life easier on yourself and the hobbyist by doing some simple things. Your running a business and how successful it will be is entirely up to you.

1) Be honest. Own who and what you are. See my sig line for classifications. You are NOT fucking curvy at 200 lbs. If you use OLD pictures or photo shop the shit out of your pictures it might be a good idea to let the hobbyist know what to expect. Especially if your 75% covered in tattoos and don't show any in your pictures. Surprises are NEVER good when hobbying.

2)Answer session requests, reference checks and inquires promptly.

3) Don't over schedule by stacking one session on top of another. Allow for a shower between each session. And use soap. A baby wipe just doesn't cut it.

4) If your a smoker put on clean laundered cloths and wash your hair. Cigarette smoke gets into everything. Always a good idea to let your "new" client know you smoke. Brush your teeth and use mouth wash. Especially if you claim to be GFE.

5) Don't be drunk.

6) If you have rules or expectations make sure you let the client know UP FRONT before the session.

7) I once told a provider to come over in her PS'S, other than that I have never made any special requests. But it's always nice when a lady asks how would you like me to dress.

8) I refuse to see providers I can NOT at least chat with for a moment or two before the session. This eliminates most pimps and agencies by having this rule and who wants to text for an hour when you can have a two minute phone conversation. And yes you can block your number. Any lady who does NOT talk on the phone should be boycotted by ALL hobbyists.

9) Know the address of your incall. Most of us have GPS'S and it makes life much simpler.

10) Don't fucking text us while were driving to meet you. Or expect to wait till we pull over or arrive. It's not safe.

11) Have your incall picked up. Geeeez that's why they have closets and there ALWAYS seems to be room under the bed. At least have all your shit in one area. If your a high volume provider did you know you can take the used condoms and wrappers (empty) the trash before the next client shows up. Traditionally there are trash cans at the vending machines, by the elevator or at the front of the hotel. And house cleaning will give you a shit loads of towels if you tip them. Most guys don't want to watch TV so turn it off and maybe have some music playing instead.

12) If you have pets, a pimp, a fellow provider in the room with you, make damn sure your client knows about it or have them gone well before the session. Don't assume because its a cat or small dog its OK.

13) Turn your phone on SILENT or OFF.

14) If the circus shows up allow the hobbyist be advised so he can elect to reschedule but at least be upfront about it. NO... slapping a diaphragm in your kitty is NOT the same thing.

15) Be discrete. Keep your mouth shut in regard to giving out "any" information about other hobbyists other than saying "he" is a nice guy. Keep your complaining to yourself or wait till you talk to your girlfriend or pimp.

16) Realize why the guys are coming to see you. If your a talker and want to share your life story make sure its on YOUR TIME not his. Five minutes for a half hour and ten for an hour is plenty of time to break the ice and get to know each other.

17) If a client is NOT respecting his time with you and has went over (5 minutes) simply say... "Gosh were having so much fun and I'm enjoying my time with you. Did you want to extend your time?" Watch what happens! Or if you need to have him gone simply say I have to meet my "friend" and have to be out of here in X amount of time.

18) Most guys don't like hearing how your going to slip them in between Joe big dick at 1 and Fred I can't get it up at 5. Keep that to yourself.

19) Let the hobbyist know if there are things you are doing for him that you might normally NOT do and ask he not mention it in the review. Saves you a lot of explaining later on with other hobbyists.

20) I'm familiar with most hotels LOL but some guys might not be. Let your client know when they walk in which way the elevator is so they look like they belong.

I hope this helps and perhaps there will be other members with additional comments.
muffin101's Avatar
This thread kinda teaches us hobbyists some manners too.
pyramider's Avatar
SL forgot the post taint guideline.
Still Looking's Avatar
SL forgot the post taint guideline. Originally Posted by pyramider

Some things are just a given.
iso_women's Avatar
Something else I would add is Discretion is key. If someone calls you and doesn't leave a message, if it isn't in the next couple minutes DO NOT just call them back. The caller may be in a place where a phone call from a provider might be a problem. If he wants to see you he'll call again. Just because you have his number does not mean you can call it.
Love the list SL!

One thing I would like to ad... When taking photos please make sure your pimp, boyfriend, kid, WHATEVER is NOT in the photo (unless you're advertising them too)
Gotyour6's Avatar
Update your photos on your account.

I dont want to show up to see you are forty and your pics were taken when you were in high school.
Still Looking's Avatar
Something else I would add is Discretion is key. If someone calls you and doesn't leave a message, if it isn't in the next couple minutes DO NOT just call them back. The caller may be in a place where a phone call from a provider might be a problem. If he wants to see you he'll call again. Just because you have his number does not mean you can call it. Originally Posted by iso_women
This would be for guys crazy enough to NOT have a hobby phone(s). I can respect that. WALMART: Phone:$15.00 and $35.00 per month for unlimited via Verizon and there are cheaper ones available.
Still Looking's Avatar
Love the list SL!

One thing I would like to ad... When taking photos please make sure your pimp, boyfriend, kid, WHATEVER is NOT in the photo (unless you're advertising them too) Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
I really like your style!
Gladiator69's Avatar
Great thread SL! I couldn't have said it better myself
pyramider's Avatar
Love the list SL!

One thing I would like to ad... When taking photos please make sure your pimp, boyfriend, kid, WHATEVER is NOT in the photo (unless you're advertising them too) Originally Posted by sensualsanaa

You forgot to mention clean up the crap in the background. Old pizza boxes are always a big turn on.
omakase's Avatar
I'd add an 201 advance course that includes how to handle donations and bad reviews/complaints.

For donations, make it known beforehand in your profile, showcase, and website where someone could leave an envelope. Remind them by email or text message so you shouldn't need to mention it again in person. If you need to review the contents at the start of the session, then have the envelope left in the bathroom where you can excuse yourself discretely. Alternatively, have the person left it in plain sight and invite them to freshen up in the bathroom. Under no circumstance should you be seen counting money. (Expert technique: if you need to be more direct, point to a tray where the person can leave items they no longer wish to keep.)
NTFunGuy's Avatar
Great thread SL. Now let's see how many 'providers' will actually read it and take your advice.
craig151's Avatar
You'd think some would do these already - perhaps a poor experience inspired SL to put these reminders out. Good thread.
Cpalmson's Avatar
SL-- as always has some excellent points.

I think the biggest thing for most guys is NO SURPRISES. For those of us who have been around the block a time or two, we don't like surprises, and we don't react well when we are surprised.

Two things I would add:
1) If you book a client, do not be a "no-contact"/"no show". We get that life happens. If you are going to miss the appt, at least have the courtesy to call or text AS SOON AS YOU KNOW YOU WON"T BE KEEPING THE APPT. Nothing ruins a provider's reputation more than being a NCNS.

2) Be up front with your menu, and don't be afraid to discuss specifics with a potential client BEFORE he books. I hate it when girls say they will only discuss activities/menu once you show up. If a girl does this as some sort of way to protect herself from a LE sting, this is simply not the case. Discussing acts beforehand is not criminal activity, nor is discussing donations. The criminal act is the ACTUAL exchange-- not the foreplay. I think a lot of girls don't discuss menu/activities b/c for the most part they want to do the least amount of work for the highest amount of $$$. It doesn't work that way for most guys. That type of behavior is another thing that leads to a bad reputation. Girls, this is sex. Have fun with it and not a list of activities you won't do.