Review Yes or No

So I just thought I would bring this up. This guy wrote a review on me an put me as a no rec. Then some people replied on it an he changed it to a yes rec. Well I was reading on one of my new reviews that I had a new rec. So what I am not understanding is. How are you going to have me as a no. Change it to a yes let it be a yes for almost a month. Then all of a sudden go back an change it to a no. I feel like this person can't make up their mind. Like they are going off other peoples reviews to decide on how they are going to put my review as a yes or a no. I was wondering what yall think. Do you think that i should be able to get rid of the review, or do you think that I should be able to comment on something about the review. What do you guys think about all this?
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Give us the benefit of the doubt sweetheart. When we do our research, we see and take that stuff into account.
Men may be worse than woman ever thought about being when it comes to gossip!
Ya I understand where you are coming from sweetie. But what I'm not understanding is. It's his review. He should of left it as if an never changed it. Because really that looks bad on me. Thats was the whole reason of me starting this post.
Hesitant to even comment on this as, other than having enjoyed talking to you in chat, we have never met, but I don't quite understand ... you wish he had kept the review as originally posted, which you say was a "no" recommendation.

Okay ... he changed it to a "yes", then back to a "no" if I'm reading this correctly. How does the change reflect any different on you than if it had been left as originally posted. Is the second "no" worse than the first?
How many times did he change it?

Some of the men are smart, they see right thru bs. Some even call them out on it. Don't sweat it.
Ok this is how I look at it. The review I am talking about was a no at first. Then when some people went an replied on it he changed it to a yes. Well I had a few other reviews done since his review. But it was still a yes. Well I was reading one of my new reviews today an they were talking about how I had a no recommendation. Ok it makes me look bad I think as a provider that I am not providing good services. That people can't decide on how they want my review to look. I feel that if he wanted it as a no recommendation that he should of left it that way an never changed it on what other people had to say.
Well he shouldn't worry about what other people had to say, it was his session and his time.

Not sure what to say here.
Lisa.Lisa0302 he has changed it a total of 3 times now. First it was a no. Then he changed it to a yes. Then today I was reading some replies on one of my new reviews an it said I had a no rec. So I went an looked an he had changed it back to a no. I feel like if he wanted it as a no rec. He should of left it that way. He should of never changed it to yes. Then after reading other reviews change it back to a no. Like I said earlier it makes me feel like I am not providing good services an that people cant decide on how they really want my review to look that they base it on what other people think.
the first thing i look at when i see a recommendation is who else this dude has seen and I also base it off those things. but i understand your concern. i guess some people are just indifferent, confused, or indecisive.
Thank you. At least someone understands where I am coming from.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
If he's changed it 3 times, he's the flake. But if he had a bad time, he should have left it a no rec. I've visited several providers who had less than stellar reviews from others, but good reviews from hobbyists I've come to trust. I gotta be honest with you, your obsessing over it is more worrisome to me than the no rec. I understand you don't like to be dinged, but consider the source and move on. You're calling attention to something most hobbyists wouldn't have noticed.
elgato111's Avatar
It does sound like this guy is a flake since he can not make his mind about your time together. Seeing that he has changed it 3 times already would not be surprised if he changes it again.

When I am deciding whether or not I want to see a provider I look at all her reviews for the last few months. If the majority of them are yes rec with only 1 or 2 no rec I figure the no rec were due to the reviewer and provider not clicking, u know YMMV.

I don't keep going back checking to see if anything has changed once I decide to see a provider, already done my research.

I think that you would do better just letting this one reviewer go and move on down the road. The attention you are calling to it makes it become more of an issue than it really is for the majority of us hobbyists.
How does one change their rec that far after the fact? I thought you only had access to edit your reviews for one hour.

And as is often the case, you would have been better off not posting this. It's accomplished nothing other than drawing attention to a negative review and making you look like you can't let little things go.
Boltfan's Avatar

I think those that care about reviews look at more than just the recommendation.
Torito's Avatar
Do you think that i should be able to get rid of the review, or do you think that I should be able to comment on something about the review. Originally Posted by rachel raquel

Two questions there.

1. Forum Guidelines allow a review to be removed at the request of the OP only.

2. If a lady has a disagreement with the review, she can post a rebuttal in Coed Discussions. After posting, her post will be closed as will the review.

Both are closed to prevent a lot of he said/she said and drama from others who would only be speculating.

I considered closing this thread; however, you are discussing the proceedure of changing, rather than the content. It will stand for now, if it does not get out of control.
