Choosing a Bride

himeros's Avatar
A wealthy young man decides that it's time to settle down and get married. The problem is that he has four girlfriends that he loves equally and he can't decide who to marry. So he comes up with a test to help. He gives each of them $10,000 cash with the plan to see how they spend it so he can judge who's the most compatible.

The first girlfriend spends all of the money on him buying him gifts that she knows he'll love.

The second girlfriend spends all of the money on herself buying clothes, hair styling, and makeup making herself as attractive to him as she can.

The third girlfriend throws a big party inviting all of his friends and making sure everyone has the best time ever.

And the fourth girlfriend invests the money wisely and gets a great return on her investment.

So reader, who does he choose?
The one with the biggest tits, of course!
ben dover's Avatar
So it would be the second girlfriend, if she bought new tits!