Think the "vaccine" is safe? Watch this!

tuckahoe's Avatar
Fear mongering, conspiracies, people who believe anything they read without doing their own research. There is a movement in this country intended to confuse and scare people away from sound medical advice. I wonder how many would be alive today if everyone had refused vaccines? People will line their pockets at the risk of the lives of others. If you aren’t part of the solution you are the problem.
Almost 1/3 of all Arkansans are vaccinated. Vaccine program is going well in spite of fear momgering
I have no problem with the vaccines but I understand people’s trepidation over it. I believe 5-10 year average to get a drug approved by the FDA. Operation warp speed got it pushed through in less than a year. The whole situation has been highly politicized. The current Vice President stated before the election she would not take the vaccine manufactured under previous administration. You can’t turn on the tv or radio without lawyers urging you to call them to get big money if you have been injured or loved one died from an FDA approved drug. I think common sense and caution is prudent not fear mongering.seems to be lacking from some folks on both right and left.
If everyone took the “this drug has not been on the market info enough for me” train of thought, then no drug would EVER be taken!
Deibrem's Avatar
Fuck off with the conspiracy bullshit
"It is disheartening that those of a particular political leaning would use my scientific data and words to promote their agenda. I am absolutely not in the Anti-Vax camp, and I am concerned that these comments came across that way. I have been vaccinated. All of my children have been vaccinated. Vaccinations are a major advancement in public health that has increased the life expectancy for humans around the world over the last 50 years. I support vaccination. I would ask that you remove any Anti-Vax titles from anything associated with this speech, as that was not my purpose there."

- excerpt from statement released by Dr. Ryan Cole
biomed1's Avatar
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tuckahoe's Avatar
"It is disheartening that those of a particular political leaning would use my scientific data and words to promote their agenda. I am absolutely not in the Anti-Vax camp, and I am concerned that these comments came across that way. I have been vaccinated. All of my children have been vaccinated. Vaccinations are a major advancement in public health that has increased the life expectancy for humans around the world over the last 50 years. I support vaccination. I would ask that you remove any Anti-Vax titles from anything associated with this speech, as that was not my purpose there."

- excerpt from statement released by Dr. Ryan Cole

I watched the videos in the link you posted and read the article. This Dr. Souza never fact checked anything. He sounds like a fraud. I believed Dr. Cole spoke from his heart and from what he knows scientifically to be true. The TV station took a clip clip out of Dr Cole's speech to make him look like he didn't care about lives. If anyone watched the whole speech they would see he does care about people.
He even stated in that video that he and his children had received vaccinations, however he never said then, not does he say now that they were vaccinated for Covid. He expects ill effects to happen in 6 - 9 months, and even later. Why would he give his children a vaccine he believes will cause them harm? Dr. Cole was courageous to say what he said in the video I posted. I suspect a lot of threatening pressure has been put on Dr. Cole by Dr. Souza. In case you haven't noticed, those who are profiting from the sanctioned agenda don't like their methods challenged. They have ways to destroy those who disagree with them.

Kary Mullis the Nobel prize winning inventor of the PCR test is on record saying it is not to be used to test for viruses. So then what test are all 57 states (per Obama) using as a test? The PCR!! He also challenged Fauci to debates. Fauci would never accept. Mullis said Fauci knows nothing, and knows nothing about electron microscopy. Was posted previously. It is long but well worth watching.

Ramin Oskoui, Pierre Kory, Jane Orient and a couple of other courageous doctors speak out.

The TV station article makes fun of Ivermectin because it is used for horses. It is also used for dogs, cattle, and humans. The Mayo Clinic website gives the dosage for humans and it is the same as for other animals. Do you think the owner of an expensive race horse would want to give their horse a medicine not fit for humans? Penicillin is also used for animals; probably most of you have taken it. There are a bunch of antibiotics used in fish tanks that are also effective for humans.
Picksix's Avatar
I’m a conservative, took the vaccine, no problems. To the poster above that said it takes 5-10 years average for a new medicine is looking right past the new flu vaccine that’s available every year.

Trump created this process and Democrats are taking the vaccine. That should tell you all you need to know. . . That this isn’t some grand conspiracy.
tuckahoe's Avatar
The link that was provided worked fine earlier today. Now it gives a 404 missing page message. Curious.

Just because a vaccine was developed under Trump does not make it safe. Trump had a number of people in his administration that should not have been there. He seems to have trusted Fauci. Fauci has made a lot of Fascist statements in the past, but like so much, they are suppressed.

You're not posting the actual link. Curious indeed.
techiedad36's Avatar
I’m a conservative, took the vaccine, no problems. To the poster above that said it takes 5-10 years average for a new medicine is looking right past the new flu vaccine that’s available every year.

Trump created this process and Democrats are taking the vaccine. That should tell you all you need to know. . . That this isn’t some grand conspiracy. Originally Posted by Picksix
Just to be clear, mRNA technology is 10+ years in the making. I knew about this technology in 2010 when my SO was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Treatments for this was/is still in 'research' stage for various valid reasons. So, once the researchers figured out what to 'train' (which is what this technology is), Operation Warp Speed was used to produce these vaccines at a much quicker pace.
tuckahoe's Avatar

You're not posting the actual link. Curious indeed. Originally Posted by DobBole
I copied the link from your post, thinking that would work. I see now that it didn't, and the copied url takes you to a non-existent page.
If you believe I was trying to keep readers from seeing the article you posted a link to, then you are incorrect.
I put the topic out for discussion, and your link is welcome. I hope people will look at it and lots of other information.
JoeExotica's Avatar
And research into this methodology and approach of mRNA isn’t new. It’s something doctors and scientists have been researching for a while. I suggest researching for yourself how they were able to do many of the steps in parallel to expedite the vaccine while maintaining solid trials. And actual websites that have solid sources. Plus, didn’t the gov’t guarantee $$$ regardless of success? A lot of biopharm’s are hesitant to sink R&D money but with the risk taken out it was full steam ahead. I’ve got my second dose coming up and everyone I’ve talked to says there fine.