He is no longer a rising star in the GOP; in fact, he is fading fast.

From the Wizard Nate Silver's column:
Until recently, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida had occupied something of a sweet spot in Republican politics: a favorite of the Tea Party but also trusted by the establishment wing of the G.O.P.

Mr. Rubio’s embrace of comprehensive immigration reform, however, appears to have upset that delicate balance, and his support has slipped among the Republican base. The mention of his name drew boos at an anti-immigration reform Tea Party rally on Capitol Hill in mid-June, and recent public opinion surveys, taken amid the debate on immigration legislation, found his favorability rating falling and his standing in 2016 Republican primary matchups eroding.
He sold out and supported all that pork in a bill that won't work. I actually liked him, and his stance, until he changed it.
He was a secure the border first candidate; who the Florida TP strongly supported. Then Rubio morphed into an amnesty politician.

He should leave the GOP.

He sold out and supported all that pork in a bill that won't work. I actually liked him, and his stance, until he changed it. Originally Posted by nwarounder
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  • CJ7
  • 07-10-2013, 11:12 AM
the republicans should get a soap opera, rather than "As The World Turns" it could be " As the Republicans Burn"

talk about ratings !!
You'r concerns for the GOP are interesting; myself, I could care less what happens to them. The less influence the current crop of GOP leaders (and rising stars) have on the party the better.

If the GOP doesn't divorce themselves from their current kingpins (consultants, donation brokers, corporate sponsors), they are writing their own death warrant.

The Tea Party is the only solution to saving the sinking GOP.

Will they pay attention? I doubt it. They will find a way to pass amnesty, approve more debt, and expand government.

the republicans should get a soap opera, rather than "As The World Turns" it could be " As the Republicans Burn"

talk about ratings !! Originally Posted by CJ7
the republicans should get a soap opera, rather than "As The World Turns" it could be " As the Republicans Burn"

talk about ratings !! Originally Posted by CJ7

Eating their own children because of mouth-foaming crazies like whirlytard. Three months ago, Rubio was a GOP presidential front-runner. Now, he's a democrat? It truly is incredible.

I predicate a Rick Perry/Sarah Palin Tea Party ticket in 2016.
We aren't eating our own; Rubio ran against amensty and as a "secure the border" first candidate. He has since flip flopped on that issue.

Rubio is being held accountable to his promises and pledges; unlike you leftards who support candidates who lie to the American public to get elected !

You know, your man Obama. Liar in Chief.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-10-2013, 12:32 PM
The Tea Party is the only solution to saving the sinking GOP.

like the Tea Party ousted the republican candidate in Nevada and saved Reid ?

Win some lose some; the Tea Party has won more than they lost............

Historic wins across the country.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-10-2013, 12:57 PM
Win some lose some; the Tea Party has won more than they lost............

Historic wins across the country. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

maybe 30 40 seats on the floor, but I can honestly say I haven't heard much they've accomplished ... hope they enjoyed being part of the do nothing congress, their stint is about up.
We aren't eating our own; Rubio ran against amensty and as a "secure the border" first candidate. He has since flip flopped on that issue.

Rubio is being held accountable to his promises and pledges; unlike you leftards who support candidates who lie to the American public to get elected !

You know, your man Obama. Liar in Chief. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Braindead halfwit. Finally, the GOP gets a Hispanic with some charisma and some cross-party appeal....young, smart, well-spoken (well, it's the republicans, the bar is low)....and the whackos like you have to tear him up.

Keep up the good work fuckface. Democrats everywhere appreciate it.
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  • CJ7
  • 07-10-2013, 03:38 PM
Braindead halfwit. Finally, the GOP gets a Hispanic with some charisma and some cross-party appeal....young, smart, well-spoken (well, it's the republicans, the bar is low)....and the whackos like you have to tear him up.

Keep up the good work fuckface. Democrats everywhere appreciate it. Originally Posted by timpage

Braindead halfwit. Finally, the GOP gets a Hispanic with some charisma and some cross-party appeal....young, smart, well-spoken (well, it's the republicans, the bar is low)....and the whackos like you have to tear him up.

Keep up the good work fuckface. Democrats everywhere appreciate it. Originally Posted by timpage
Most Republicans remember '86 and aren't going to fall for it again. Remember when the Dems promised back then if we pass this amnesty bill for the three million illegal aliens, we would never have to discuss immigration again, and they would all start obeying the law? Then all of a sudden we couldn't build a fence because of the little animals that were being hurt.

Of course Rubio is young, and apparently not that smart. Much ado about nothing, Romney still would have lost even if he would have gotten 70% of the Latino vote. The dude was weird and never had a chance.

It'll take catching a terrorist smuggling bomb materials across the border until we do something real.
Most Republicans remember '86 and aren't going to fall for it again. Remember when the Dems promised back then if we pass this amnesty bill for the three million illegal aliens, we would never have to discuss immigration again, and they would all start obeying the law? Then all of a sudden we couldn't build a fence because of the little animals that were being hurt.

Of course Rubio is young, and apparently not that smart. Much ado about nothing, Romney still would have lost even if he would have gotten 70% of the Latino vote. The dude was weird and never had a chance.

It'll take catching a terrorist smuggling bomb materials across the border until we do something real. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Whatever. I guess the status quo on immigration is good for the loonies on the right. With abortion, it gives them something to stay all spun up about instead of actually doing something about the real problems facing the country.

By the way, there is no way to seal the border. Your side goes through this charade every 4 years or so. You can't seal that border without spending a gazillion dollars. Go down there, take a look. A fence won't work. It's not physically possible. As for smuggling bomb materials in, there's no fucking way a serious terrorist would cross that border. Too many other ways in that create less of a chance of being detained. I always love that argument too....like they've got to carry the "bomb materials" in on their backs. You've seen "Act of Valor" and other movies too many times. That is horseshit.