Twitter gearing up to help Libtards Once Again Cheat in the November Election

berryberry's Avatar

Starting today, we’ll begin enforcing the Civic Integrity Policy in context of the US 2022 midterms. This means we’ll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.

Just a reminder, The last time Twitter decided to be the arbiter of "misleading claims" it was to block people from learning about Senile Biden's crimes on Hunter's laptop, seeing The Post's Hunter Biden coverage and suspending anyone who tried to share the story

eyecu2's Avatar
Just to be clear is this about twitter, or Hunter's laptop? If it's about Twitter, I'm fairly certain that anyone who declares false allegations, should receive some sort of admonishment and ultimately have to take a vacation if they continue to make statements that are untrue. This whole alternative facts AKA Kelly Conway nonsense is exactly that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Really? So the 50 “current and former intel officials” who claimed the laptop was fake, 95% of journalists who spread lies about Trump/Russia for years, and all the minions who parroted them, should all be tossed out on their asses? That’d leave Twitter with about 4 users.
eyecu2's Avatar
Really? So the 50 “current and former intel officials” who claimed the laptop was fake, 95% of journalists who spread lies about Trump/Russia for years, and all the minions who parroted them, should all be tossed out on their asses? That’d leave Twitter with about 4 users. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Where is this laptop and where is the information that is so incriminating on it? I heard Miranda knows, but besides a bunch of pics of Hunter, with nefarious chemicals and hookers, really not much more. Hell Trumpy likes him some hookers too; And his adderal. So really, the point of making twitter about facts vs. propelling more false impressions. False as only allegations vs. proof. I would say that proof of bad deeds, just like a hooker and a john being caught balls deep, vs someone saw someone and they looked like a hooker. And thats the same for the Russia thingy too. What you all seem to regurgitate is what Billy Barr said about the Mueller report, not what people who read it thought. Barr was in an appointed position, and his conclusions-while to the delight of the PubeTards, said he was not part of obstruction and partial based on the non-conclusionary statement of the report saying it would defer to the constitutional consideration of no indicting or criminally prosecuting a sitting president. HE NEVER SAID THERE WAS NO THERE, -THERE. Of course- Trump claims he's innocent, but only of being smart, because the reality was that the decision was based on the above statement in the majority. Even if there was substantial proof to indict or claim interference, Mueller wasn't able to gain the cooperation of the administration, but did find enough circumstantial evidence to refer to the AG for a definite conclusion. Barr was that difinitive conclusion and decided that there wasn't enough there, despite all the pleas' and the indictments of Russians. Funny how you all wail that he's innocent- because Trump claims he is, but in reality, it was Barr's judgement of the man who appointed him. The same Bill Barr who under oath said Trumps claims were Bullshit. When under oath, he tells the truth, but when it's his opinion only, he can claim that the sun rises and sets on Donald J.

27 indictments of Russians and Americans, and Pardons for a whole lotta ppl who supposedly were innocent. Hmm.. Are you really that daft to think that innocent ppl need pardons. Pardons are not for that anyway. Typically a pardon is given due to people being contrite. An expression of the presidents foregiveness and recognition of the applicants acceptance of responsibility for the crime. IT DOES NOT SIGNIFY INNOCENCE.

So- what other BS do you want to throw against the wall, about "her emails"?
berryberry's Avatar
Just to be clear is this about twitter, or Hunter's laptop? If it's about Twitter, I'm fairly certain that anyone who declares false allegations, should receive some sort of admonishment and ultimately have to take a vacation if they continue to make statements that are untrue. This whole alternative facts AKA Kelly Conway nonsense is exactly that. Originally Posted by eyecu2
It's about Twitter and how their whole "we’ll take action against misleading claims" is utter bullshit. What they really mean is

Starting today, we’ll begin enforcing the Civic Integrity Policy in context of the US 2022 midterms against all conservatives. This means we’ll take action against any Conservative who makes misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes. But we will give all Democrats a free pass to make whatever misleading claims they want and we will help Democrats cover up the truth like we did back in 2020 when we pretended that all incriminating evidence on Hunter Biden's laptop was "fake" and hence we suspended anyone, including the NY Post. from discussing it
berryberry's Avatar
Where is this laptop and where is the information that is so incriminating on it? I heard Miranda knows, but besides a bunch of pics of Hunter, with nefarious chemicals and hookers, really not much more. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Obviously you have not been paying attention. There have been multiple stories about it shared here which show the corruption of the entire Senile Biden Crime Family. Try to catch up
Where is this laptop and where is the information that is so incriminating on it? I heard Miranda knows, but besides a bunch of pics of Hunter, with nefarious chemicals and hookers, really not much more. Hell Trumpy likes him some hookers too; And his adderal. So really, the point of making twitter about facts vs. propelling more false impressions. False as only allegations vs. proof. I would say that proof of bad deeds, just like a hooker and a john being caught balls deep, vs someone saw someone and they looked like a hooker. And thats the same for the Russia thingy too. What you all seem to regurgitate is what Billy Barr said about the Mueller report, not what people who read it thought. Barr was in an appointed position, and his conclusions-while to the delight of the PubeTards, said he was not part of obstruction and partial based on the non-conclusionary statement of the report saying it would defer to the constitutional consideration of no indicting or criminally prosecuting a sitting president. HE NEVER SAID THERE WAS NO THERE, -THERE. Of course- Trump claims he's innocent, but only of being smart, because the reality was that the decision was based on the above statement in the majority. Even if there was substantial proof to indict or claim interference, Mueller wasn't able to gain the cooperation of the administration, but did find enough circumstantial evidence to refer to the AG for a definite conclusion. Barr was that difinitive conclusion and decided that there wasn't enough there, despite all the pleas' and the indictments of Russians. Funny how you all wail that he's innocent- because Trump claims he is, but in reality, it was Barr's judgement of the man who appointed him. The same Bill Barr who under oath said Trumps claims were Bullshit. When under oath, he tells the truth, but when it's his opinion only, he can claim that the sun rises and sets on Donald J.

27 indictments of Russians and Americans, and Pardons for a whole lotta ppl who supposedly were innocent. Hmm.. Are you really that daft to think that innocent ppl need pardons. Pardons are not for that anyway. Typically a pardon is given due to people being contrite. An expression of the presidents foregiveness and recognition of the applicants acceptance of responsibility for the crime. IT DOES NOT SIGNIFY INNOCENCE.

So- what other BS do you want to throw against the wall, about "her emails"? Originally Posted by eyecu2

... You just changed the subject.
Please don't do that - If you expect us to
value your responces. ... The point raised
was the Intelligence officials and what they did.

And comment on that?

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Don't you guys ever get tired of conspiracies? Maxey of Steve Banons war room. Off Infowars...a super reputable org.... Why is this guy parsing out copies or uploads of this thing instead of sending it to ppl like Rudy Giuliani or the New York Post...and as copies? Some not able to be read, some now full of extra
Salacious scandals. But nothing has been vetted; purely speculation on your behalf. Now that said, it could prove to be legit at some point, but it's not as of yet. I know there have been some that claim it is, but if it is, why not put the whole thing out? Just more chumming for you sucker fish
berryberry's Avatar
Don't you guys ever get tired of conspiracies? Originally Posted by eyecu2
There is no conspiracy. The laptop and crimes it documents are real. You are just as bad as the libtards who run Twitter (You know - who this thread is about even though you keep trying to change the subject) who blocked any discussion of Hunter Biden's laptop before the election in an effort to cover up for Senile Biden before the vote
Don't you guys ever get tired of conspiracies? Maxey of Steve Banons war room. Off Infowars...a super reputable org.... Why is this guy parsing out copies or uploads of this thing instead of sending it to ppl like Rudy Giuliani or the New York Post...and as copies? Some not able to be read, some now full of extra
Salacious scandals. But nothing has been vetted; purely speculation on your behalf. Now that said, it could prove to be legit at some point, but it's not as of yet. I know there have been some that claim it is, but if it is, why not put the whole thing out? Just more chumming for you sucker fish Originally Posted by eyecu2
... What do you mean "nothing's been vetted"??

The FBI has had the laptop for TWO YEARS.
They are keeping it hidden.

The FBI doesn't want the American people to learn
just how CORRUPT the Biden family really is.

... Please understand, EYE-C, that while we
are quick to argue the other side of your opinions here,
it is NOT meant as a attack against YOU - the poster.

YOU are one o' the mates around here also.
So please don't feel discouraged.

Just sayin'

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
The FBI has had the laptop for TWO YEARS.
They are keeping it hidden.

The FBI doesn't want the American people to learn
just how CORRUPT the Biden family really is.

... Please understand, EYE-C, that while we
are quick to argue the other side of your opinions here,
it is NOT meant as a attack against YOU - the poster.

YOU are one o' the mates around here also.
So please don't feel discouraged.

Just sayin'

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Aww Salty- you warm my heart.

As far as corruption- I guess my point is that if there is corruption, then let the charges begin. I am not one who is a fan of politicians getting over on the public- and I do understand that our system is a pay for play one, Sadly, where the people in offices, have figured out how to game every action and movement. It disgusts me to think that every single one of them has a hand out, and that it was never designed to be like this, but just how far back have kick-backs and shady dealings been going on. I am not surprised to know that they may involve the current administrations too, but damn if the prior one wasn't just more blatant about it- in my opinion.

That said- I've been kicked off twitter for saying mean things that were snarky, but meant to confront the same bullshit of out-right horseshit.

I do come here and appreciate the different perspectives you guys on the right have, and am happy to engage in discourse on the stuff I don't agree with. Some Twitter stats- apparently about 22% of americans' use twitter and the majority of them are younger, <45 yr old and ..wait for it....democrats. No surprise right- but that's likely also what causes so much disagreement in
right winger posts or assertions/ claims of alternative facts or as you guys like to call " differing perspectives". LOL
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Ah, but the charges won’t begin because the rules don’t apply equally. Information is unapologetically suppressed on one side, and embellished or flat out manufactured for the other.

Can you imagine the media outrage if that was Trump’s kid admitting to grifting the American taxpayer and selling out the country to foreign entities to enrich their entire family? It’d be a shitstorm of biblical proportions.
eyecu2's Avatar
Ah, but the charges won’t begin because the rules don’t apply equally. Information is unapologetically suppressed on one side, and embellished or flat out manufactured for the other.

Can you imagine the media outrage if that was Trump’s kid admitting to grifting the American taxpayer and selling out the country to foreign entities to enrich their entire family? It’d be a shitstorm of biblical proportions. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
ahhh...Jared Kushner whos' 666 fifth avenue comes to mind. Totally underwater, and about to be in deep shit trouble. Seems to me the saudi's provided funding of a billion or so. But yeah, nothing to see there, cept them buying deals on our military stuff and protection. If you look at that, and other sins of the prior administration, you need not strain your eyes too hard to see that payments were happening-/ likely happening. (see twitter to confirm)

When a president operates outside the eyes and scrutiny of the public office he holds, by hiding in his private resort(s) and having others visit him there, (all the while being funded by the US Taxpayer for SS protection, guest rooms and travel$ which is being directly paid to the incumbent-which is illegal) isn't that ripe for these covert payoffs, or buying of influence. (see twitter for confirmation )

Well Hunter may have done some of these things as far as providing access, but then again- he's not president. JoeyB's would have to happen at an ice cream shop or in the middle of a mid day nap. (see twitter to confirm)

I think the influences are still around, but I think it will be just as hard to tie him to them. Just saying.

Since this post is about Twitter- I'll add that twitter will both confirm and deny that what I posted is factual...depending on who 's tweets you look at. (See Berryx2- not derailing. )
berryberry's Avatar
Ah, but the charges won’t begin because the rules don’t apply equally. Information is unapologetically suppressed on one side, and embellished or flat out manufactured for the other.

Can you imagine the media outrage if that was Trump’s kid admitting to grifting the American taxpayer and selling out the country to foreign entities to enrich their entire family? It’d be a shitstorm of biblical proportions. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. That is what libtards continue to ignore. There are now two systems of justice in this country, one for conservatives, another for libtards.

With the multitude of crimes documented on Hunter Biden's laptop, if Senile Biden was a conservative, he would have already have been impeached and in jail. Alas, because he is a libtard, the corrupt FBI and DOJ who he controls just ignore all his crimes, influence peddling, selling out to foreign entities for private gains, etc.
Straw man arguments or conspiracy accusations is all you’ll get from the left. No use debating someone who is delusional.