Just amazing

  • sethg
  • 11-13-2012, 08:44 AM
It never seems to amaze me in this hobby some of the things people say, I just reviewed the GBN forum and seen a poster by the name of Steph81, posts she Knew in advance about the busts going down in Des Moines, but could not tell anyone???

Says she heard if from a high ranking official, no offense but to me and if I am wrong please correct me, but if you knew about this, did not share it with your clients, or fellow providers or hobbyists, and in turn the fact that you even knew about it, spells one thing for me and that is, simple:

Quote: I bet her favorite food is cheese and she has to move her tail when she sits down!

Please correct me if I am wrong, between her posts and sexyhunnypots, who knows when it is safe to go into the water anymore!
If anyone, hobbyist or provider knows of a sting ahead of time its always nice to give a heads up to at least your favorite client or provider.....to those you trust. The others will back channel it and hopefully keep your name out of it.

As that info if proven came from you (in general) can be terms to have an obstruction of justice charge thrown at you. That is if you're caught giving the important facts of the sting like hotel, numbers used, names used.

I only post an alert when I have concrete info on a sting. The people who constantly post about stings going on, usually are chicken littles.
livn2do's Avatar
What purpose does it serve her to post that she knew about it and did nothing. In my opinion she just cut her own throat from a business stand point.
  • sethg
  • 11-13-2012, 10:07 AM
However it does not answer the question, and it is simple obstruction charge or not, the fact someone would even know about a sting of that caliber is remarkable only if:

A) She was a person involved or informant
B) She is nice and deep in bed a LE

Let's be real, when someone posts something like that, just makes you wonder with them knowing about a sting that clearly was Federal ran, it is clear she knows way to much, and makes you wonder what she would do if she got popped, sounds to me she would sing like a birddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddd!
Bigh1955's Avatar
I think its fair to assume there are providers with...Hmmm...how to say this..."hobby friendly" connections with Leo. Personally I appreciate it when information gets back channeled, but I also realize there may be times when a warning isn't possible without the lady getting herself in a jam. Perhaps the GBN situation was along that line. Like a lot of things in the hobby, it's easy to make assumptions and end up throwing stones in the wrong direction. It's hard to pull a stone back once it's thrown, so be careful.
livn2do's Avatar
Why announce it then or am I missing something?
She could be lying about knowing about the sting beforehand.

She shouldn't have posted knowing about the sting after the fact. People will look at her with doubt in their eyes because if she truly knew about it, she could've saved a few folks from being busted.
  • Rigin
  • 11-14-2012, 01:59 AM
If she knew and didn't say anything till after, not only is she a fool, but I can't imagine who would trust her or have any respect for her. I don't understand what she would gain by telling others she knew beforehand but didn't say anything, other then a "hey look at me, I know people and things" if she didn't know and is just saying she did, she's a complete moron that's soon gonna figure out she probably should have kept her mouth shut. Just my opinion.
Couture's Avatar
If her post is the truth or is a lie...she does nothing but make herself, in her own words, look really bad...not to mention suspicious!!!

I do know that she is a local provider here in Des Moines and has only been actively advertising since early this year. Personally I would never accept her as a reference before and most certainly will not now!