I understand that the moderator may think this belongs in another forum)
many readers on this website understandably may view porn on various internet websites. and a select few of you may scrutinize vary carefully the billing arrangemeet nts vary carefully if they elect to pay a monthly subscripion for such. even fewer still will check up front to see if the company in question is going to sneak any "trial addons" that you may end up paying for later.
today I learned that I had paid for 4 month of f*******s, a service of one of of the porn sites. I had never knowingly signed up for it yet it was (probably very deliberately)written at the very end of billing disclosure. in my opinion, this is anything but "aboveboard"..
I was able obtain some credit yet the way it happens is what annoys me
a person could do a lot of good by staying alert about these practices