"Paying for my time" is not just code?

txAustin202's Avatar
So I was reading a thread where guys where reminiscing about girls of past. One provider that was mentioned got props for not charging for hanging out. I've only taken one provider out to eat. She drove in from out of town, paid for her own parking, and never expected anything besides free food. A stripper actually called me the other day asking if I wanted to have lunch with her and hang out. Again only paid for food. So this whole idea of paying for the privilege of paying for a girl's food never even crossed my mind. Do guys really do this? I'm sure no guy will admit it here. And do you ladies really offer this as a service? I don't recall ever seeing it advertised. And all this time I thought that "Paying for my time" was just code for getting down and dirty.
They are rare , but I hang with a provider
( you know who you are ) , who is more real than others . Go out socially , do lunch or drinks , and just hang out , she even tries to pay for stuff . Totally dig that about her ! Not that I will accept after inviting her .
( confidential shout out !) . Another that will do dinner and drinks . Also I have seen one provider that has a meeting included in the time spent with her , but the time was plenty and well worth it . And then of course there's ones that are strictly business all the time , minute by minute .
HELL YES 76's Avatar
I always pickup the tab, I don't want to come across as a cheapskate. And I tip extra at our next session for the time spent, that's just me...
MARTlAN's Avatar
I see a few providers outside the hobby and just hang out, lunch or drinks.
txAustin202's Avatar
The one time that I took a provider out to lunch was actually our first meeting. I'm guessing that is less common. I would definitely like to meet a provider first before deciding on bcd time without having to attend any socials.
chipsandsalsa's Avatar
Txaustin, You would probably be surprised to know that quite a few gentlemen interact socially as well as BCD with the ladies on this board.

Friendships develop; sometimes when I book an appointment, I will offer lunch somewhere,, its not for " the priviledge of paying for your food", its a simple act of kindness, and sometimes with a new lady, a "get to know you" meeting before going BCD.

I have never had a lady ask me to take her to lunch as an inclusive to a meeting, it has always been me who asks, and only if they have the free time.

Just a simple act of kindness can reap great friendships.
txAustin202's Avatar
I'm actually not at all surprised that client and provider develop some sort of friendship and hang out. I personally would rather find a single regular that I like just hanging with than having a bunch of bang n go. That's why I'm surprised that some guys pay just to hang out.
oh yes there are plenty of girls who charge no matter what,, ,,

I have ready many and ad, that say 'dinner, drinks then dessert' 5 hours and $1000,, its usually the GPS types or High dollar notties...
rrrabbit's Avatar
I guess by some peoples' standard, I must be cheap.

I've enjoyed a few lunches with dancers and providers, and I've been more than happy to pick up the tab.

But paying for their lunch time (or the "privilege" to pick up the tab, as the OP puts it), never. I'd not even entertain such a notion.

My ego is not large enough to take that much of a beating (he, he... I used "large" and "beating" in the same phrase; lol); having never done it, I can't be certain, but I'm pretty damn sure that it'd make me feel like a big fat loser to have to pay a gal just to sit and converse with me over lunch. And after that ego beating, I'm certain I'd have no libido left for BCD.

No... meeting someone for lunch, sharing a few stories and laughs is much more to my liking; in return, a thank-you tip here and there helps her and helps me to think that I'm not taking advantage of her friendship; but please don't make me feel as though a tip is expected

Friends have lunch together. Johns and hookers fuck.

Let's not mess with that time tested relationship.
oh yes there are plenty of girls who charge no matter what,, ,,

I have ready many and ad, that say 'dinner, drinks then dessert' 5 hours and $1000,, its usually the GPS types or High dollar notties... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

You are paying for the opportunity to be SEEN with a young hottie. Some guys need their ego stroked even more than their penis.

For those of us who are reasonably attractive and have no trouble dating attractive women in the civie world this concept of paying for the opportunity to buy her meal sounds absurd.

However there are a high percentage of guys whose egos or self esteem require the boost of courting eye candy in public. There are also just guys who are soooo lonely they'll pay.

The catch is most people who witness a middle aged Charlie Brown or Elmer Fudd type hanging out with a Victoria's Secret model who clearly is not behaving like his daughter automatically assume he is either rich, famous, a sugar daddy, helping her career in some way or she is for hire by the hour.

At least this is my first impression when I see it. I think personally I would find it more embarrassing than a boost to my ego. I am also referring specifically to lunch/dinner dates with young hotties.

Of course there are always the EXTREMELY rare exceptions where his charisma and charm get him laid no matter what he looks like or has to offer.

That however is NOT my first assumption when I see it.
Txaustin, You would probably be surprised to know that quite a few gentlemen interact socially as well as BCD with the ladies on this board.

Friendships develop; sometimes when I book an appointment, I will offer lunch somewhere,, its not for " the priviledge of paying for your food", its a simple act of kindness, and sometimes with a new lady, a "get to know you" meeting before going BCD.

I have never had a lady ask me to take her to lunch as an inclusive to a meeting, it has always been me who asks, and only if they have the free time.

Just a simple act of kindness can reap great friendships. Originally Posted by chipsandsalsa

Agreed Chips!

Friendships do develop. There's been a few times when someone will book an appointment around lunch or dinner time, and after we have "finished" our appointment, I have found myself in the kitchen making something tasty for us to munch on. We just enjoy our time together, laugh, eat, then look up at the clock, and it's 2 hours later!
No additional payment needed, wanted or required, but of course, gentlemen always tip well. I'm a lucky girl.

I have a client who is now a good friend, who has a ridiculously demanding job, up to 14 hours a day, 6
days a week. He can have his pick of any provider and I am always flattered when he carves time out of his schedule to
spend with me. Yes, he gets a wonderful massage, and enjoys our time together, It's just he chooses to "spend" his most
valued resource, his time with me. I never forget that.

It's the kindness and care we share with one another that develop the friendship. The kind of care I try to extend to all of my clients.
Money really can't buy a mutual respect for each other's time.
"Friends have lunch together. Johns and hookers fuck.
Let's not mess with that time tested relationship".

  • Joan
  • 08-30-2012, 03:12 PM
Think about this,... Maybe "The' Ego" was never large enough to begin with .....

....And hey, possibly yours is To Big!...Wait, What did he say? LOL.
Welcome back Joan , we've wondered where you dissappeared to ? You have been missed!
rrrabbit's Avatar