Email Notifications - What the hell is going on?!

pornodave69's Avatar
Email Notifications - What the hell is going on?!

I haven't received notifications of PMs and replies to subscribed threads in a while. Don't know why but I haven't. In the last hour I've received about 30 emails for replies to posts made days ago as well as PMs. I assume whatever the problem was for not receiving them has been fixed and it's all just backed up, but damn! Kind of a pain when you get your emails on your computer and blackberry. Damned berry is dinging every minute with a new notification email.
sorry pornodave. it's more of an ISP problem than a site problem. I've had to submit a couple of forms lately to get eccie emails unblocked from some ISPs blacklist. Your flood of emails could have come when the bans were lifted. Good to know they were saving those special messages for you.....that's excellent customer service!
pornodave69's Avatar
Gotcha. Thanks. I think I'm up to 60+ now but it should be close to being finished now. Gotta love technology!