Ad postings-some in bold some not

I was wondering why some Titles, actually Most of them (except me lol) are in bold for posting provider ads and weekend lineup.
I thought maybe it was because I was new...rep power or soemthing.
So, i just tried to look at the profile of a provider who's ad came up in bold to see what her "rep power" is...but, couldn't see it. (Not that I really know what rep power is based on or how to get it yet, lol...but, I thought maybe that was it)
Searched all over, so finally just thought I'd ask...Getting ready to post weekend lineup ads for my tour starting tomorrow, and I wanted to know How to post my ads with Title in Bold-or what criteria do I need to meet, for mine to show up bold.
johnnybax's Avatar
it is because those other ads are showing up as unread and yours as read.
johnnybax's Avatar
scroll to the bottom of the front page of and click on "Mark forums read"

this will change the appearance of all forums for you. as people begin to post in them they will change again, becoming bold again.

i am certain this is what you're referring to but if you still have a question or if i am wrong, post it here and i'll get to you asap. i am subscribed to this thread and will get instant notification of a reply to it.