Who is your best friend?

I was talking to Brittany about Wally and out of the blue she asked me who my best friend was. I told her probably my wife. She said, no it is your dog. I said why do you think that? She said if you locked both in your trunk for 2 hours, which one would be happy to see you when you let them out?

Brittany once again shows she is very wise. I have not won many arguments with her.
Guest050813's Avatar
My wife would the most happy to see me, because she knows I am gonna spend alot of money to fix this!!!!
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Make sure you guys take the tire iron, golf clubs and any other items that can be used against you out of the trunk prior to placement!! I'm sure that Tiger Woods wife would have nothing on yours after something like that!!
Guest050813's Avatar
I have a brinell colored boxer,two years old , neutered, house broken, microchiped, free to whomever would want him. I am changing to a standard poodle.
I have only one friend on this side of the grave and that is my son. I would die for him and what scares me is that he would do the same for me.
cody3168's Avatar
I would have to say my wife unless she finds out about my hobby lol then I guess it falls to my Scottish friend just cause he has amazing scotch lol
Sydney Pure's Avatar
This would be a hard decision for me to make. She is a young dog that just had her first litter of pups, but she is completely dedicated to me. She greets me when I pull into the driveway, and she’s always there when I leave. A friend is a friend, and I’ve not met many humans that will ever be able to live up to that level of friendship or companionship.
Rockydoc, my money is on the dog. I think Brittany was right.
  • loboy
  • 04-08-2013, 01:34 AM
Lol I've heard of that one before...Let me ask a question, what's the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up? (Or I should probably ask this in SL's thread)...
B.Wayne's Avatar
It makes sense. I'm an animal lover (not in that way perves) and it pisses me off when I see people treat animals like we live in the stone age. Im no advocate or anything like that but that's a true statement. People can abuse some animals and a big part of them will keep coming back and still wag a tail for the most smallest amount of attention. I don't think of animals as pets but more like companions. And that definately helps with the ladies too so that's a nice bonus.
It makes sense. I'm an animal lover (not in that way perves) and it pisses me off when I see people treat animals like we live in the stone age. Im no advocate or anything like that but that's a true statement. People can abuse some animals and a big part of them will keep coming back and still wag a tail for the most smallest amount of attention. I don't think of animals as pets but more like companions. And that definately helps with the ladies too so that's a nice bonus. Originally Posted by B.Wayne
Yes Sir, my money is still on my dog
My best friend is my sister , we fight each other but you better not mess with one or the other! She the one outside my hobby

Inside my hobby the one person I consider a dear friend is Sydney Pure! She's always there to lend a ear, help me out. Give advice or just chill with me! Luv ya girlie!!
Oh and my momma!!
Jim1995 is my best friend. But he won't pick up his damn phone. Maybe I should lock him in my trunk to see if he still likes me.
you can practice on me if that fool just won't answer.