U.S. Congress Is Trying to Give the F-35 a Pass for All Its Problems

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Both the House and Senate versions of the National Defense Authorization Act authorizes a block buy of 440 F-35s through a procurement process called “Economic Order Quantity,” even though the planes are still being developed and the testing necessary to prove they are operationally effective won’t be completed for years. Until that testing is done, all the American people will get for their money is a pile of parts for an unproven prototype.

Its in production before this thing is properly tested?

complete waste of money.... cancel the damn thing. won't happen tho.
IMO till the end product is approved AND DELIVERED, we shouldn't pay jack squat to lockheed..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Sounds like a continuation of "green" energy. Reminds me of a movie with Glen Ford. He was a wheeler dealer in Japan following the war. He was brought up on many charges including the resale and/or usage of used parachutes. The prosecution maintained that each chute was worth $95 and he had abscounded with a couple of hundred. By hook and crook the defense got a expert witness on the stand (he parachuted onto the trial setting). The defense attorney asked him how much a used/damaged parachute was worth. The answer, NOTHING. To the man who has to rely on it, a damaged parachute is worthless. Same thing with the F35. The Congress and experts can talk about how advanced it is but to the man (or woman) who has to take it into combat, how great is it then?

We've had suicide bombers damage destroyers with attacks and collisions. A B2 bomber is a billion dollar investment all by itself and we only have a few. How much would it take a get a suicide bomber closer enough to put the aircraft out of commission with just a small explosion?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-24-2017, 08:29 AM
Yet Trump is bragging about throwing more money at the military!
