Life after ATF

S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-07-2010, 08:27 PM
There have been many threads regarding clients and their ATFs. What about hobbying life after the ATF? Do guys try to see someone similar to her? Very different? Decide it's a good time to take a sabatical from hobbying? If so, is it short- or long-term? Does the choice depend if you're still in touch with your ATF or not?
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Oooooh.....Good one Good one.


~Kelly TNT
warlock's Avatar
Don't know how others will respond, but in my case....
My ATF did a complete 180, and I got burned on the whole thing. Still dealing with the fall out. Basically, I'm a little wiser for the experience, at least I like to think so. Pick up and move on. Just because you had or have an ATF, doesn't mean you are exclusive to them, they aren't exclusive to you. In my case it wasn't because she was a certain type, we simply 'clicked'. I'm not looking for a new ATF, but sometimes it just happens, and no she's nothing like the last one.
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 04-08-2010, 07:24 AM
LOL Kelly I like your response and Damn you are soooo sexy!

ATF is a very high ranking. All Time Favorite! The reason I say that is there are so many beautiful ladies that provide a very good service I don't know how you could have an ATF. I have favorites no doubt but, All time means a lot. About the time I believe she is a atf then I go and see a different lady and bam. I have another favorite. LOL If you think she is giving you something special then don't read her reviews because you might be disappointed. Now if you are the providers atf client then you may be onto something. Maybe we need a ranking for favorites. F1, F2, F3, and so on. That way if you lose F1 you can move F2 up the list and look for another one for F3. Who knows your next one might go right to the top. HEHEHEHE Favorites are the ones you chose to go back and see over and over again and the other ladies are there to keep it fresh and different. There is nothing like being with someone new. Go find another one and keep on keeping on. Oh and my sig line says it all.
daddyo67's Avatar
My ATF retired recently and cut off all contact and I miss her deeply.I am glad that she is gone from this bussiness and I am so much the better for having known her. she is truly a wonderfull person, but I do have a strong sense of lose and I am still kind of stumbling around.

but life goes on. I'm working on a new ATF and still will hobby on yet for a time.
MasterTrucker's Avatar
It is interesting that a couple of yall have indicated that yall developed an emotional attachment to your ATF. The follow up question is, do you think you spent more time and money because of your emotional attachment to your ATF than you would have had you not been emotionally connected to your ATF? And with the loss of your ATF have you spent less now? If you are not comfort talking about the money, how about your time?
Hercules's Avatar
I'm a serial monogamist

I do like having that one gal but always know she could be gone the next day. It's just a reality in this lifestyle. Finding another fave can be tedious but I'll boink as many gals as it takes to find her!
Yes it is a business but at the end of the day we are just people with emotions. I have had a couple of ATFs retire. Maybe it's me? The only solution when they go away is extreme promiscuity, for those of you in Garland, that means fuck yourself silly.
daddyo67's Avatar
MT, I'm sure I spent more on my ATF than I would have normaly. In a 3 1/2 month period I spent over seven thousand. many 3 hour sessions, overnight and one four day trip to Vegas. I also saw a few other providers during that time, though not many. would do it again if she returned.

I don't know I'm still spending quite a bit. want to play you got to pay.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-08-2010, 10:31 AM
I lost my ATF a long time ago and have been chasing the dragon ever since its hard man you always compare, at least I do. I have found a chick I think will do its still not perfect like the last, and man I wish I could get in contact with her still. I think I have been trying to find a girl with the same look but it was as the other guy said and we clicked was a great time she had even left the game but still saw her good people I saw her every week. I would not have the seven reviews I have if she was still around.
I agree with the other Hobbyist's that it's a bad idea to get emmotioally attached to your ATF. However, having said that, it is also quite difficult to not get attached. Especially when you see her a lot.

It's a business to the Provider, and she has many clients. But for the Hobbyist, we see very few Providers, and when you have an ATF, sometimes see only her. So she is much less likely to get attached than we are.

I am not sure as to the original question of life after ATF. But I think maybe the only cure is to get out there and see some new girls and try to move on. And next time, ATF or not, don't be exclusive.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-08-2010, 11:45 AM
When I read about other guys and their ATFs, I assume they have a preference to see that particular woman more so than others. Let's say, for every 3 visits with her, they may visit someone else another time.

So when she's out of the picture (either short-term hiatus or long-term), do you decide to see someone similar or totally different from her? If she happens to be a 20ish redhead, would you avoid seeing other 20ish redheads to prevent comparisons? Or see nothing but 20ish redheads?

Or do guys use the term ATF as the rating (e.g., categorizing her as 11 out of 10)? And each month, we've got a different ATF?
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 04-08-2010, 12:00 PM
See I wish I could answer...but unfortunatly I'm still on the search for that mystical ATF. Someday I hope to find one but till then, I'll keep searching and hoping.
mtabsw's Avatar
My rotation is small, so they all must be ATF material... to help select the truly worthy when the tragic retirements occur, I have prospective providers complete the following application for my consideration. Feel free to copy or adapt to your preferences:


PROVIDER NAME: (your handle is fine, but I prefer what you want me to scream to you at the right moment)

BIRTHDAY: (must be older than my son)

HEIGHT / WEIGHT: (must weigh less than me)



BEST METHOD OF CONTACT: (please list as many as you actually respond to, include numbers, IDs etc)


1. I normally respond to my emails or PMs:
A. Within 24 hours
B. Within 48 hours
C. Depends on your tone, sense of desperation, and history of tipping
D. Never - That works sometimes for me, does that work for you?

2. My screening process:
A. Is simple, but rigorous. I belong to several reference services, e.g. P411 (list please) and while not required, greatly appreciate 1 or 2 provider references and their contact information who will respond to my inquiries. If you don't have a reference service, the provider references are REQUIRED. (sorry, but I have to be careful - I'm protecting you as well as me.)
B. I need two references I personally know (you should know who they are) along with links to at least 3 positive reviews you have written
C. Provide your full name, notarized copy of your driver's license, place of employment, 2009 W2 and a picture of your car with license number
D. Cum one, cum all, I wub every dick that will pay

3. Gifts for me:
A. Having you as my guest is its own reward. I appreciate stellar clients as much or more than you appreciate courtesan service. If you decide to bring some token like candy, flowers, a toy for us, I'll never forget it.
B. While it is not necessary, you'll find me in a much better mood if you always bring something, or better still, add something like 25% to the donation.
C. If you want another appointment, you'll check my website gift catalog and choose wisely
D. Gifts should cost as much or more than the donation. And I do check, asshole.

4. Our time together:
A. I respect your time and hope you respect mine as well. You'll always get my full attention for the full time. If you're not in a hurry, I like to spend a few minutes after the end of our official time, to clean up together, maybe plan about our next session, chat and share a drink.
B. If you don't have your wrinkled butt out the door as Mickey's big hand hits the hour, don't be surprised if I don't answer your future requests.
C. I strictly stick to my schedule, no matter when we start, 10 minutes prior to the scheduled end-time, we're done with BCD stuff, and I'm getting dressed. You should too, unless you want your aging butt kicked out nekkid.
D. Remember how fresh and ready I was for you at the door? I need the full time after you leave to get ready for my next appointment. Since they are 1/2 hour apart, and I usually have to suck off my manager or one of his friends. Be respectful for crying out loud.

5. Communications and Punctuality:
A. I will tell you the best way to contact me the day of our appointment, and about an hour ahead we'll exchange any last minute details. I will be there warmed up and ready when you arrive, if I do get behind, caught in traffic etc, I'll text you at least a half hour ahead to let you know what's happening. Common courtesy is you'll do the same for me.
B. You can try to call me, and if it goes to my voice mail, hopefully I'll hear the message and get back to you. My mail box is usually full with all the clients I have trying to reach me, but you understand sweetie - don't you? I have some time issues, but I'm so hot and you're so desperate you won't mind if 9 really means 10ish most times, and I know you'll come back for more of my lov'n.
C. I don't give out my number to anyone - you'll get a text at best. Just show up a few minutes BEFORE the appointment time and wait until I give you the all-clear and room number.
D. Time management is for people who worry too much and should get a life.

6. Cancellations:
A. I hardly ever miss an appointment, I keep track of Aunt Flo and give her an extra day or so just in case. The rare times something blows up, I'll let you know hopefully the night before, and will do something creative to make it up to you at our rescheduled meeting - some guys like discounts, some like an extra round, but no matter, you won't be sorry. Of course, I would like the same from you and understand work/life challenges.
B. Seeing me is an honor, not a privilege, plus I know you'll understand and come back regardless. If I've seen you before, you should know my clock may be strangely unlike yours, and allow yourself extra time so I can have that extra latte before our session, get my nails done, give my main squeeze an extra bj etc.
C. Keep your phone charged and on, especially the 30 minutes before and an hour after our scheduled meeting. I'm very much the flavor of the month, so you understand I may get a better offer and have to postpone you until another old bald creepo cancels on me.
D. As long as YOU give ME a full 24 hours warning before our appointment, I won't whine publicly about you or put you on the DNS list. If I'm not there, you know I'm at a funeral, the hospital with my best friend, or taking care of my Mercedes since it has lots of expensive repairs like, you know, all the time. You'll be lucky if I send you an email within a week following. With all the cancels I've had to do, I've learned grandma dying takes a lot out of me, you do understand don't you?

7. Menu:
A. If you can imagine it, I can probably do it, or at least try. Think of me as your girl friend who has done a few pornos. I enjoy myself, and especially enjoy you having a memorable time.
B. Ask during the session, and I'll let you know. Most things are available, just maybe not for you.
C. No problem, check my website under "GFE menu extras" for the price list above the normal rate for perv stuff like DFK, BBBJ etc.
D. Some things are totally out of the question, if you ask, you're out, but you need to ask first and suffer the consequences later.

8. Courtesies:
A. Since I've read your posts and your P411 bio, I'll be wearing your favorite outfit, and will have refreshments on hand to match. If it's your birthday month, a special treat will be waiting for you and/or my birthday month discount. I have a nice selection of unscented lotions and potions in the shower and near the bed. When you leave, I'll offer you a cold water or your favorite soft-drink for the road.
B. I smile and act glad to see you at the door, move you quickly to the action, and help you get dressed so you can get out on or before your exit time. Most times I will remember your name when I'm performing my orgasm imitation for you.
C. Strong Perfumes are such wonderful things to help a girl without any extra time to shower 10 or 12 times a day. And I LOVE glitter on all my outfits and coating my body - it SOOO helps set the right mood - don't you love the way it stays on clothes even after being dry-cleaned?
D. I like seeing the cash before we start, and will quietly count it while you get yourself comfy, so have it handy - leave it where I can see it!!!!!

ESSAY QUESTIONS: (add additional sheets as required, page limit of 5 total)

9. List and describe the fundamental trade imbalance issues between China and the USA.

10. Predict the effect of a realistic realignment of the RMB with the Euro and the resulting price of the dollar. Bonus points, predict the new average session price for ECCIE girls in the Dallas area.

11. Describe your post-CIM technique with focus on drooling the swimmers onto your boobs, showing them doing laps on your tongue, or snowballing them with your hot sister who just walked in and joined us.

12. Explain the schism between the wahabists and sunni beliefs. Give two examples, one before the end of the Ottoman empire, and one post 9-11.

13. List your CG variations and describe the pros and cons of each.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
My rotation is small, so they all must be ATF material... to help select the truly worthy when the tragic retirements occur, I have prospective providers complete the following application for my consideration. Feel free to copy or adapt to your preferences:


PROVIDER NAME: (your handle is fine, but I prefer what you want me to scream to you at the right moment)

BIRTHDAY: (must be older than my son)

HEIGHT / WEIGHT: (must weigh less than me)



BEST METHOD OF CONTACT: (please list as many as you actually respond to, include numbers, IDs etc)


1. I normally respond to my emails or PMs:
A. Within 24 hours
B. Within 48 hours
C. Depends on your tone, sense of desperation, and history of tipping
D. Never - That works sometimes for me, does that work for you?

2. My screening process:
A. Is simple, but rigorous. I belong to several reference services, e.g. P411 (list please) and while not required, greatly appreciate 1 or 2 provider references and their contact information who will respond to my inquiries. If you don't have a reference service, the provider references are REQUIRED. (sorry, but I have to be careful - I'm protecting you as well as me.)
B. I need two references I personally know (you should know who they are) along with links to at least 3 positive reviews you have written
C. Provide your full name, notarized copy of your driver's license, place of employment, 2009 W2 and a picture of your car with license number
D. Cum one, cum all, I wub every dick that will pay

3. Gifts for me:
A. Having you as my guest is its own reward. I appreciate stellar clients as much or more than you appreciate courtesan service. If you decide to bring some token like candy, flowers, a toy for us, I'll never forget it.
B. While it is not necessary, you'll find me in a much better mood if you always bring something, or better still, add something like 25% to the donation.
C. If you want another appointment, you'll check my website gift catalog and choose wisely
D. Gifts should cost as much or more than the donation. And I do check, asshole.

4. Our time together:
A. I respect your time and hope you respect mine as well. You'll always get my full attention for the full time. If you're not in a hurry, I like to spend a few minutes after the end of our official time, to clean up together, maybe plan about our next session, chat and share a drink.
B. If you don't have your wrinkled butt out the door as Mickey's big hand hits the hour, don't be surprised if I don't answer your future requests.
C. I strictly stick to my schedule, no matter when we start, 10 minutes prior to the scheduled end-time, we're done with BCD stuff, and I'm getting dressed. You should too, unless you want your aging butt kicked out nekkid.
D. Remember how fresh and ready I was for you at the door? I need the full time after you leave to get ready for my next appointment. Since they are 1/2 hour apart, and I usually have to suck off my manager or one of his friends. Be respectful for crying out loud.

5. Communications and Punctuality:
A. I will tell you the best way to contact me the day of our appointment, and about an hour ahead we'll exchange any last minute details. I will be there warmed up and ready when you arrive, if I do get behind, caught in traffic etc, I'll text you at least a half hour ahead to let you know what's happening. Common courtesy is you'll do the same for me.
B. You can try to call me, and if it goes to my voice mail, hopefully I'll hear the message and get back to you. My mail box is usually full with all the clients I have trying to reach me, but you understand sweetie - don't you? I have some time issues, but I'm so hot and you're so desperate you won't mind if 9 really means 10ish most times, and I know you'll come back for more of my lov'n.
C. I don't give out my number to anyone - you'll get a text at best. Just show up a few minutes BEFORE the appointment time and wait until I give you the all-clear and room number.
D. Time management is for people who worry too much and should get a life.

6. Cancellations:
A. I hardly ever miss an appointment, I keep track of Aunt Flo and give her an extra day or so just in case. The rare times something blows up, I'll let you know hopefully the night before, and will do something creative to make it up to you at our rescheduled meeting - some guys like discounts, some like an extra round, but no matter, you won't be sorry. Of course, I would like the same from you and understand work/life challenges.
B. Seeing me is an honor, not a privilege, plus I know you'll understand and come back regardless. If I've seen you before, you should know my clock may be strangely unlike yours, and allow yourself extra time so I can have that extra latte before our session, get my nails done, give my main squeeze an extra bj etc.
C. Keep your phone charged and on, especially the 30 minutes before and an hour after our scheduled meeting. I'm very much the flavor of the month, so you understand I may get a better offer and have to postpone you until another old bald creepo cancels on me.
D. As long as YOU give ME a full 24 hours warning before our appointment, I won't whine publicly about you or put you on the DNS list. If I'm not there, you know I'm at a funeral, the hospital with my best friend, or taking care of my Mercedes since it has lots of expensive repairs like, you know, all the time. You'll be lucky if I send you an email within a week following. With all the cancels I've had to do, I've learned grandma dying takes a lot out of me, you do understand don't you?

7. Menu:
A. If you can imagine it, I can probably do it, or at least try. Think of me as your girl friend who has done a few pornos. I enjoy myself, and especially enjoy you having a memorable time.
B. Ask during the session, and I'll let you know. Most things are available, just maybe not for you.
C. No problem, check my website under "GFE menu extras" for the price list above the normal rate for perv stuff like DFK, BBBJ etc.
D. Some things are totally out of the question, if you ask, you're out, but you need to ask first and suffer the consequences later.

8. Courtesies:
A. Since I've read your posts and your P411 bio, I'll be wearing your favorite outfit, and will have refreshments on hand to match. If it's your birthday month, a special treat will be waiting for you and/or my birthday month discount. I have a nice selection of unscented lotions and potions in the shower and near the bed. When you leave, I'll offer you a cold water or your favorite soft-drink for the road.
B. I smile and act glad to see you at the door, move you quickly to the action, and help you get dressed so you can get out on or before your exit time. Most times I will remember your name when I'm performing my orgasm imitation for you.
C. Strong Perfumes are such wonderful things to help a girl without any extra time to shower 10 or 12 times a day. And I LOVE glitter on all my outfits and coating my body - it SOOO helps set the right mood - don't you love the way it stays on clothes even after being dry-cleaned?
D. I like seeing the cash before we start, and will quietly count it while you get yourself comfy, so have it handy - leave it where I can see it!!!!!

ESSAY QUESTIONS: (add additional sheets as required, page limit of 5 total)

9. List and describe the fundamental trade imbalance issues between China and the USA.

10. Predict the effect of a realistic realignment of the RMB with the Euro and the resulting price of the dollar. Bonus points, predict the new average session price for ECCIE girls in the Dallas area.

11. Describe your post-CIM technique with focus on drooling the swimmers onto your boobs, showing them doing laps on your tongue, or snowballing them with your hot sister who just walked in and joined us.

12. Explain the schism between the wahabists and sunni beliefs. Give two examples, one before the end of the Ottoman empire, and one post 9-11.

13. List your CG variations and describe the pros and cons of each. Originally Posted by mtabsw

LOL....Holy shit balls that was awesome.
Hon, you may just be My new All time favorite.

~Kelly TNT
Holy crap...I'm still cracking're so crazy.